agouti1014's Forum Posts

  • 1,000 thank yous!!!   <img src="smileys/smiley17.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Thank you so much everyone! I have more data on scores than I thought I would. This helps me out immeasurably!    <img src="smileys/smiley17.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    Thanks again!!!

  • Thank you Rudi! I need to keep the challenges (such as this one) very simple. This game will be a mini game for a much larger one. Each time this "test version" is played it feeds the final score to my server. I hope to get an average score from several runs so that I can decide where the performance "bar" should be placed for this challenge. ;-)

  • Hi Everyone -

    I am testing out a challenge that will be used in a future game (created in Construct 2).

    I need to get an "average" score to use as a performance baseline for this challenge (in other words I need to know what a good score is vs a bad one).

    It is a simple challenge that lasts 10 rounds and takes about 1 to 2 minutes to complete.   

    Please try it out at:

    Thanks a million! <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Thank you guys... I learned something new. ;-) And it is now working brilliantly! The trigger once while true did the trick along with an event group. I've owned construct for a few months now... but am just now really getting into it. Thanks for your patience.

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  • I'm not sure if I am doing something wrong or not. Please forgive me if this turns out to be something stupid as I come from a background in flash as3 and am still trying to get used to using construct 2.

    I have a simple layout with 3 instances of a sprite named "Space".

    Each instance of Space has its own variable called "spaceID".

    They have the values 1, 2, and 3 respectively. They have a simple looping animation with 2 frames.

    I also have a global variable called "acitveSpace".

    I have set activeSpace = 2;

    On the event sheet I simply have one item (besides declaring the global and giving it the value of 2). This is as follows:

    Space->activeSpace=spaceID, Space->Start animation.

    All spaces except for 2 start animating.

    But when I chance (activeSpace=spaceID) to (atciveSpace not= spaceID) then the correct space (#2) animates as it should.

    Did I miss some core logic? LOL both variables == 2 but it only works if I put the condition not equal.

    Please let me know if I missed something. Thanks ;-)

  • FIXED IT!!!

    Upon further review I found that I had to place the following into my php file....

    "header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *');"

    Sorry... I'm used to working with flash. A lot of this is new for me.

    Thanks! :D

  • Here are the links... may be helpful:



  • No browser errors either (IE, Firefox, etc)

  • Oh and one more thing... simply loading the php page in the browser works. ;-)

  • Yes... I am running my files on my own server so there should not be an issue there... please note though that I have been able to historically make this work, but I recently upgraded to construct version r81.

    A bug maybe? Sending data to php is still not a problem... my php will even update mysql tables with no issue.

    Its just trying to load player data from php. I decided to drop the complexities of tokenat, etc and attempt to just make a simple project that will simply indicate that the receiving of data works. Not working, but I hope I am not missing anything... that would be embarrassing. LOL

  • Hello -

    I am still very new to construct2.

    I have a very simple php file on my server that does the following:


    echo "it works";


    Now for construct2 I have a single layout with a text object called "Text" that has a default text of "waiting".

    My event sheet is:

    • System->On start of layout-> AJAX.Request ""
    • AJAX->On Complete->Text->Set text to ->AJAX.Lastdata
    • AJAX->On Error->Text->Set text to ->"Error"

    No matter what I am getting an error.

    Please note that I have had 100% success with adding data to mysql through php that originates in construct2... the problem I am getting is receiving data back from php on my server (with or without placing the files on my server).

    Any ideas?


  • Thank you... <img src="smileys/smiley9.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> I think I need some sleep. I've been up far toooo long. <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Hello -

    Sorry if this has already been asked, but I have looked and searched repeatedly and I cannot find a direct answer to this question.

    I was attempting to use a sprite's x and y value in the "URL" parameter for an AJAX object. Let us say that I wish to log a sprites location every 60 seconds. Its position on the next interval is 20 x and 50 y. I have found that if I literally code the values into the URL for the AJAX it works fine. For example, this does the job nicely:


    BUT... when I attempt to do the following nothing happens on my server...


    I am kind of new to this... any help would be appreciated.

    Thank you! <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle" />