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So I want to mute a song when it's playing, so I tell construct that when my sprite is clicked, to mute the channel(2) but it refuses. I set the song to channel 2 at the LVL1 event sheet, and the mute coding is in the pausesave event sheet. HALP!!!
I have a Xaudio2 object, and I want to set its sound to a file in a sub folder of my appPath. I tried this, but no luck:
How would I do this?
well i hope it's implemented more into newer versions.
Are there any other fonts than Arial? And can I add my own?
interesting... how would I get the x and y of one character from one computer to another?
Can construct communicate online with another computer, like to get anothers x&Y axes.
Thank you so much! I also tried the LOS behavior but it didn't work :/ I dunno why. Still, thanks.
i have a HalfLife demake here were I wan't my AI's not all to do the same thing. I have an object that activates the enemy when you overlap it. (the yellow circle) But it activates both enemies. How do I stop this?
Ignore the first layout
Now he can't move
Ok, now I have a guy that glitches when he's squished between two boxes, or a box falls on him.
How do I make him immovable?
Ok, now i have a problem were all of my objects do the same thing.
http://www.mediafire.com/?sharekey=2159 ... f6e8ebb871
Ok, I have a guy that glitches when he's squished between two boxes, or a box falls on him.
Compare anglediff(sprite.angle,0) Less or equal to 5
anglediff(sprite.angle,0) Less or equal to 5
How'd you get five? Anyway, here's the file. if you shoot right, do bla. Shoot left do bla. Could you do it for me because I'm hopelessly lost.