That's weird, I must have accidentally deleted it.
That's the .cap
& and + can both be used
Nevermind, it didn't work. Here's what I did:
<img src="">
i can get a textbox.getLineCount, but not a letterCount, is it possible to get the amount of letters?
I mean the taskbar, like this;
<img src="">
An example I made
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Can I change the 12x12 icon that shows up on the toolbar in windows? because all I see is the 48x48 icon.
Is there anyway to load a picture into my game from a file. Like I have a button you press, and it gets a picture file from apppath+"/pictures/Global('filetoload')"
Thanks, it worked
ok, It didn't work
I'll try that
This is a demake of half-life I'm making
Version 0.5
There's a lot of glitches I've talked about in Help/Tech support, so if you could fix em I'd appreciate it.