aeroslim's Forum Posts

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  • I managed to fix the re-creation by resetting the global variables but will use the set value since I have lots of global variables coming up and dont want them affected.

    And suddenly remembered that I have to use the include event sheet for my player animations -4- since the event animations are not carried over to the new layout.

    Ty for your reply again, was very helpful.

  • You can store your picked player to a global variable as an ID.

    Then you will use that ID to spawn your character in the game.

    Thank you for your reply.

    Ive set player initial visibility = invisible and created a global variable to player = false, so when I click the char to choose it sets visibility to true. So far its working ok but I know that when I add the other chars I will have trouble with this method since they will be dragged along with the picked char or if i stop the movement of others the player wont be able to get away from "scroll to" since it'll be applied to all chars.

    Ive tried to remove the char from layer so it will only be created when the global variable is true. I used system - create object but that is re-creating player over and over(per-frame) since gv is set to "true", also messing the movement. I tried to trigger once and the re-creation goes away but the movement is messed up, no movement animations and it gets really weird(8 direction).

    Could you please be more specific on how to store the player in global variable?

  • #1

    First add event: Player - On Collision with Enemy, then add a sub-event: Player - Platform is falling, add another condition: Player - Compare Y (put comparison: < less than, Y co-ordinate: Enemy.Y) -> (add action) Enemy - Destroy, (another action) Player - Set Platform vector Y to -500(this makes your player bounce when you jump over and kill your enemy, mario style).


    Right click on the left side of player - platform is falling and compare Y, Add -> Add else.

    System - Else -> (add action) Player - subtract 1 from health, (another action) Player - Set animation to "your damaged animation".

    Also go to your player animations - your damaged animation properties and set Loop -> No, so you animation doesnt repeat over and over after you collide with enemy once. Instead it plays once per collision.

    This should look like this...

    I hope all this isnt to much complicated.

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  • I surfed the forums but couldnt rlly find anything close to what im lookin for.

    So I want to have a layout before my game_layout starts.

    In that layout I want to put a couple characters with different features which can be able to be picked by the player.

    I can make the layout jump but I have no idea how to actually make it possible to spawn the character the player picked and play that char...

    Thanks in advance.

  • You a wizard, it worked.

    Tho timer behavior on troll did not work. I did it with system wait x seconds. troll on destroyed troll spawn another troll.

    Thank you. Made my day.

  • I'm only a beginner myself so I hope you find this helpful.

    #1. What about creating your shot object(sprite) containing both shots.

    #2. Your big asteroid on collision with bullet instantly spawns the 2-asteroids, so maybe add a timer to asteroids before they spawn another.

  • Im sorry Im afraid I dont understand you. Could you please write a simple example.

  • So saying I have a "Troll" sprite and created few instances of it. Now I need to respawn them every time my player kills them.

    But this isn't working. I try to do it with pick by IID. But it only works for one instance. Then I tried creating new spawn sprites for other troll instances and repeat the On Destroyed event but that doesnt work as well. I tried to add another event/sub event pick by unique UID of troll instances but failed.

    Im a beginner so I havent got yet to the point to understand UID/IDD very well and if they change on destroy/respawn.

    I also tried it without a respawn sprite. And it works ok. But it respawns them instantly, which I dont want it. I added the time behavior to troll but then doesnt respawn at all.

    Any help is greatly appreciated.

    Thanks in advance.

  • So saying I have a "Troll" sprite and created few instances of it. Now I need to respawn them every time my player kills them.

    But this isn't working. I try to do it with pick by IID. But it only works for one instance. Then I tried creating new spawn sprites for other troll instances and repeat the On Destroyed event but that doesnt work as well. I tried to add another event/sub event pick by unique UID of troll instances but failed.

    Im a beginner so I havent got yet to the point to understand UID/IDD very well and if they change on destroy/respawn.

    I also tried it without a respawn sprite. And it works ok. But it respawns them instantly, which I dont want it. I added the time behavior to troll but then doesnt respawn at all.

    Any help is greatly appreciated.

    Thanks in advance.

  • Thank you very much. I will try the next animations I plan to add with this method and see its efficiency.

    How ever I managed to do it through adding bullet behavior to invisible objects and trigger on animation finish/end. Works good tho it's a loot more to do.

    Once again thank you for your reply.

  • So Ive been surfing around and trying hundreds methods, anything that came up to my mind but I simply can not make my attacking animation collide to enemy.

    I have the walking animations and fighting animations. I need only fighting animations(fists) to count as attacks and subtract the enemy health.

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  • 12 posts