Aenopix's Forum Posts

  • Thanks, so much, just what i needed for my project!!. Works like a charm

  • Hi guys, im making a local multiplayer game, and im trying to make like a Character selection screen. In this screen you are able to choose your character. This different characters just changes some variables values, like "SMALL character has 50hp and 20mana" and "BIG character has 100hp and 10mana". Then when you press play in this selection layout you go to the Game layout, in this layout your player should have the values of the character you picked in Selection layout.

    So i want to have like an array??? that holds all the characters and the different values like hp, mana, speed, etc. So when the game layout starts, the player read the array and populate the variables with whatever character you picked.

  • How do i get a tile frame from a tilemap?.

    I need to get tile number 4.

    Example: If my Player is overlapping tilemap & tile frame of type = 4; Do Something.

    I need to get the frame type of the tilemap im stading on. Like if tilemap fram type is number 0 give a boost in the player.

  • Thanks so much!!!! it worked C:

  • Hi, i have this eventsheet for enemies

    , and everytime it happens this event for just 1 nemy, it happens for every other enemy in game, even when im not even seeing the other enemies on screen. It just need to happen for the enmey that is near the player and not just for every other enemy!.


  • Wow how did i missed that!!, Thanks so much c:

  • Hi guys, I add an effect to the entire project and it shows instantly in editor, and i want that effect to show only when an action happens in game, and is so annoying working with the effect added to the project. Is there like a button to disable the effect so it doesnt appear in editor. Attached image with a reference to what im saying.

  • Thanks to both, i managed to make it work C:!

  • Hi guys, im trying to use the same Keyboard Button to do tow different things. If i mantain pressed the x button, timescale should go to 0.5, but if i just press the x button but not held it down i should do a Dash. I know how to do te two things with different buttons, but i need to use the same button if pressed but not held down, and if held down.

    X pressed but not held down ---> Dash

    X pressed and held down ----> Set Timescale to 0.5 as long as the X button is held down (Dont do dash if held down)

  • Thank you, now it works.

  • Hi im trying to make this, i took pictures because its easier for me to explain it.

    First image, line should go all the way to mouse position

    Second image, line should point to mouse position, but it should go all the way till it touch or overlaps a solid. And so on on the next images.

  • How do I manage to make a tower defense game, where the enemies move in a straight line, and turn 90?, moving from the center of the path to the end. I still dont understand too much the pathfinding behaviour to achieve this.

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • Entry

  • How do i destroy an object in a layout forever. So if i have a powerup in Layout1, then destroy that powerup, then go to another layout, then come back to Layout1, the powerup is gone forever?.

    Test Capx(made with last beta version of construct), i want to destroy that powerup forever, so when i get back to that layout the power up is gone so you cannot press it 2 times.

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  • Have anyone tried to make a game made in construct 2 for Lg Smart TV?, I have made some test and fps is so bad... Anyone have been developing for it?