adrix89's Forum Posts

  • Win = Trying so hard to get past the "here comes the hurt" level till you fall of the level to the next and seeing that the last level is impossible then falling to the win level

  • I was thinking about a automatic image size optimizer for non power of 2 images that would cut the images into 2 or more polygons with 1 ore more texture

    For example a 1280 by720 would be broken into 2 polygons with with one 1024 texture

    While a 1280 by 1024 would be 3 polygons with one 1024 texture and one 512 texture

    I know it can be done manually but was wondering if it can be done as a feature(also is should be optional) especially if some don't know about it and waste memory

  • I don't think its a good idea to ban ghost shooter clones because ghost shooter is a demo not a game

    My idea is to make a sticky thread in the your creations where they can take Ghost Shooter demo and make it into an actual game with maps weapons and maybe story

  • Platform School mostly works, after changing all the controls to Player 1. But there's some kind of strange collision bug that pops the player to the top of a wall sometimes. I'll try to reproduce it.

    Vert, on the other hand... wow. It's totally screwed. The rendering, the collision, the rotation, everything. Objects are disappearing and reappearing, it won't rotate right, textures inside of Tiled BG's lose thier textures, and everything is generally whacked.

    Here's what it's supposed to do:

    And here's what it's doing when built with 0.99:

    You can move around and stuff, you just can't see the player until you move a bit.

    I'll try to recreate all this stuff and post some bug reports.

    I think its a VRAM problem try to mess with it and see what happens

  • Wow cool

    I'd love to download it, but the site is in German, and you have to sign up or something... can't quite work out what all the fields of information they are wanting.


    Press English button on top

  • It's not free It's beta there is a difference

  • Game 1 + Game 3 = ????

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  • quote:"I know god!/She's black!"

    That being said I've tried to see all types views on religion and god including Christian,Atheist, Buddhist,Hindu,gnostic and bit of the dark arts(note: jews and islam not included).

    And I can say without a problem that this world is Strange with allot more to it that we can perceive

    And if you don't understand what I mean by strange, think twilight zone on a epic scale.

    Thing is there is a God(or The Nothing to Buddhist) and there is evolution(note: genesis is how stupid people perceive how the big bang occurred,check NIV and have a bit of imagination with simple words cause in those times words like stars,nebula and explosions didn't exist) with aliens and different dimensions to spice things up.

    Also the humans specie with the "gap" from Neanderthal(witch are smarter stronger better but can't speak) to numbskull .. I mean Homo Sapience has a big plot twist in it,with a bunch more throughout our history.

    Right now I don't have a current religion but I believe in something more powerful then god, in the people.

  • Stock is like gambling

    You basically waste your money

  • Can i have some sites where I can read about this?

  • ... 605&page=1

    I'm not certain if it is actually true

    But it looks interesting as to how insane the USA can be

  • > Ok so lets talk about effects...

    > -Fog

    > -Blur

    > -Shockwaves (???)


    If a suitable refract shader is used, we could have blurred shockwave effects that'd look great on explosions and general fighting scenes (great example of an explosion refract shader here)

    Fog can already be achieved with an animated sprite and using a Blurmask on it.

    Can't you do this with magnify?

  • How can I change the animations of a sprite with set animation?

    Because all my attempts to try it result in either no change,stuck on a frame

    How can I organize so it functions properly

    Or do I make different sprites with different animations and destroy and spawn them?

    Some examples might help!