Adobandito's Forum Posts

  • 5 posts
  • i don't have chris's examples anymore but maybe you can do something with my capx:i had some trouble setting it up but it works good enough for my project now

    check the game layout... right click to create, left to apply an impulse and space to remove joints

    This is exactly what I was looking for. Great stuff. Thank you!

  • Ah! Thanks! I actually just removed the flat bit and just used the angled piece all the way across for now but that's a good catch. I'll pull out an old save and try it out. Thanks!

  • Yeah, I tried something similar to that at one point. I'm working with ladders also and thought that the flat landing fixed a similar problem but I'll investigate again. Thanks.

    On the collision box, I'm using a player box and I already tried rounding the corners like you suggest; doesn't seem to help .

  • I've been searching the forums for info on what may be causing this in my game and will continue to look but thought I'd post and see if one of you know exactly what's going on and can help me fix my issue.

    I've some platforms that I want to connect and create inclines. See the attached capx ([attachment=0:2t4gpw5n][/attachment:2t4gpw5n]) and you can see a video of the issue here:

    Basically, may player falls through the places where two platforms come together.

    Thanks in advance for your help! My first game is almost done, I can't wait to share it with y'all!

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  • Woo! I had to find the FAQ. Here's a link for future me's looking for ladder help: (doh, URL removed: /forum/viewtopic.php?t=63588&start=0)

  • 5 posts