ADEGBE DAVID's Forum Posts

  • 10 posts
  • Good day i have a problem,i heard that using the text object in c2 causes performance problems on mobile devices,the forum i read it on said that it causes high cpu usage and it drains the battery life on mobile, my issue is does "high cpu usage" reduces performance on mobile or it only reduces battery life,because the forum only said "battery life" instead of "poor performance",my game right now has only 13mb memory space and 144mb memory usage,and i have text objects all over my game,when i tested my game on the mobile device my game started freezing real issue here is ,is it my game memory space of about 13mb and memory usage of 144mb that is freezing my game,because i've seen game designers which have created games with c2 with more than 13mb memory space and 144mb memory usage and there games still run smoothly on mobile devices ,so should i remove all my text objects and replace it with sprite fonts for better performance or i will just be wasting my time if i did.please if anyone can point out to me whether it is my text objects or it is my game memory space and usage any help will be greatly appreciated

  • Thanks a lot for the help i now at least understand about margins but seriously i didn't know that Ashley was a guy,it was really confusing and funny by the way.

  • Good day everyone i've been using c2 for a while now but to my surprise i really don't understand what the margins accomplish.i've checked the C2 manual and this was the information they gave:

    The size, in pixels, of the margins. The margins are the grey areas outside the layout area. This only affects the Layout View and has no effect when previewing.

    Am sure you're wondering why am asking for this kind of information,but my real issue is memory management

    i checked Ashley's tutorial on memory management and she said something about putting your objects in the layout view,she said c2 preloads the objects in the layout view and if the object is not needed it should be destroyed on a start of layout event,but the issue is my game has lot of objects and i am not sure i can put all those objects in my layout view so i want to clear my doubts by asking if my objects can be put within the margin space and still be preloaded when my layout starts.if not what else should i do to save memory.ANY HELP WILL BE GREATLY APPRECIATED THANK YOU FOR READING AND HELPING

  • i really dont understand is everyone really scared of this topic or they are just trying to avoid trouble or stress, ifu have a suggestion no matter how little please CONTRIBUTE.

  • Good day everyone,am creating a game right now and am stuck in the in-app purchasing section ,i have searched online and to no avail have i seen any video or tutorial that explains my problem,the problem right now is that i don't know how to link the iap plugin to my coins variable please if anyone has any useful tutorial on creating an in-app coin purchasing event or code please reveal it i will be very grateful THANK YOU FOR HELPING

  • Thanks a lot , i don't think am confused anymore about the two i really appreciate your help

  • Good day to everyone can anyone out there please be kind enough to explain to me the difference between the webstorage and local storage plugins, is webstorage only used for the run layout preview or it can also be used when a game has been published as an app,i am really confused about the two most tutorials talk of local storage as an array saving plugin but dont really use it for highscore ,please if you understand the difference between them please enlighting me

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  • thank you very much it really worked for me and i have downloaded the cocoon plugins

  • Please does anyone out there no how to enable some object features in construct 2 , i just bought my license and i expected the cocoonjs object feature to be there and also the spriter(scml) feature but none was present except the features there presently in the free edition, so during the process of trying to solve the problem i updated to the latest c2 release(beta 224) but the features were not still present only the features that were found during the free edition that was still present i even checked the c2 folder i went to exporter-html5-plugin and i saw the cocoonjs folder and other object folder which were not present in the c2 software itself i've tried to find a solution but i haven't found any pls anyone who can help me please do,i really feel frustrated,i appreciate any help that will come from someone THANK YOU

  • Hello everyone my name is David, i've always wanted to be a game designer ,so as fate has it i got introduced to this awesome c2 software by a friend, now i'm almost through with my 1st game project

  • 10 posts