adcornaglia's Forum Posts

  • The tutorial is online :

    Please signal me any mistakes. The demo capX is available on the last page. Have a good reading !

    EDIT : The screenshots issue is fixed. I'm currently working on a french version.

    Great tutorial, you managed to show me some new tools I've not heard of previously.

  • Cosme or anyone else, do you happen to have a backup of this? Somebody seems to be MIA and all his file shares are down.

  • Aphrodite , , dfernfield , alanziy , zenox98

    Had a backup of these effects by Somebody here is the link for it on my Google Drive, for those looking: ... mlkUGJ5VHM

  • I have been trying to get system audio analyzed in C2 for months down. I know all the ingredients I just can't figure out the right way to mix them.

    Here are two methods of html5 live audio input, could someone give me (the community) the Christmas gift of how to implement one of these methods:


    // success callback when requesting audio input stream

    function gotStream(stream) {

    window.AudioContext = window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext;

    var audioContext = new AudioContext();

    // Create an AudioNode from the stream.

    var mediaStreamSource = audioContext.createMediaStreamSource( stream );

    // Connect it to the destination to hear yourself (or any other node for processing!)

    mediaStreamSource.connect( audioContext.destination );


    navigator.getUserMedia = navigator.getUserMedia || navigator.webkitGetUserMedia;

    navigator.getUserMedia( {audio:true}, gotStream );

    ??  ??  ?????????? ????????????????  ??  ??

  • fuego96 Thanks for the report, I will make sure to go over all functions once I finished the laser-decals behavior and the 3d sound plugin

    X3M could you please throw up a description the of the internal editor for Babylon 3D in Construct 2. As well as, to put up a video of the internal editor in action. Even if it's just moving around a room with a few objects, all done in the C2 IDE with B3D, that would be awesome. Thank you for your time so far.

    I want to buy this tonight, but want to be sure I know what you mean by "Now you can create scenes from scratch using in C2 without the need of a 3D editor."

  • A circle isn't a polygon. You can approximate a circle using a regular polygon with a lot of sides

    I won't provide a capx, 'cause I'm lazy, but the pseudocode would look like:

    > sides  = 32
    radius = 100
    pos_x  = 200
    pos_y  = 300
    angle_step = 360 / sides
    for i from 0 to sides:
         angle = angle_step * i
         x = pos_x + cos(angle) * radius
         y = pos_y + sin(angle) * radius
    something like that.

    One neither is a square, but they can both be formed with polygons. Two, yeah or the following with the polygon plugin:

    "x": 59.000000, "y": 53.000000
    "x": 50.702869, "y": 93.947128
    "x": 27.074638, "y": 128.660431
    "x": -8.287506, "y": 151.855103
    "x": -50.000000, "y": 160.000000
    "x": -91.712494, "y": 151.855103
    "x": -127.074638, "y": 128.660431
    "x": -150.702866, "y": 93.947128
    "x": -159.000000, "y": 53.000000
    "x": -150.702866, "y": 12.052873
    "x": -127.074638, "y": -22.660425
    "x": -91.712494, "y": -45.855110
    "x": -50.000000, "y": -54.000000
    "x": -8.287506, "y": -45.855110
    "x":27.074638, "y": -22.660425
    "x": 50.702869, "y": 12.052873[/code:22sufu5c]
    You could also form a hectogon and get a nice circular shape as well.
  • "Functions" and "properties of the window" does not work in the new version nw.js

    I exported my project , but two windows are not connected together.

    What is the problem

    c2: v239

    nw.js: v 0.18.7 and v0.14.7

    OH NO! Maybe we can get someone to fix this for X-Mas.

  • What about being able to analyze what is being played over the microphone live? Is that possible with your plugin?

  • Yann is it possible to draw a circle using your polygon plugin and could you please provide an Capx example with JSON polygon importing? Preferably a circle XD.

    CloveltOc yeah that would be awesome if it supported Metaplot, or vise versa.

  • Could you possible add a function that allows it to cycle or tween through the separation based on a parameter of speed?

  • chrisbrobs , Joannesalfa I've started on The Book of Shaders by Patricio Gonzalez Vivo and Jen Lowe free at . I wonder where Gigatron got his start with shaders.

  • 🅽🅴🅰🆃🅾!

  • 🎊🎇🎉🎈🙌𝓦𝓞𝓡𝓚𝓢 𝓐𝓜𝓐𝓩𝓘𝓝𝓖!🙌🎈🎉🎇🎊 behaviors and effects seems to work perfect. The only thing it seems to be missing is the ability to add it to families in C2. This is something I really needed for my main project.

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  • 🎊🎇🎉🎈🙌🎈🎉🎇🎊 Finding so many hidden gems tonight.

  • 🎊🎇🎉🎈🙌🎈🎉🎇🎊 yes please and thank you.