We developed our school software in C2 for over three years. We can't port it over to C3 due to using Rex Multiplayer plugin. If we could, we would.
Anyway, we started developing in Unity using c# and playmaker. We have been rebuilding it all in Unity. It has opened many new doors and possibilities for us, and now have a VR option on our school software, and just started developing AR.
We are continuing to update our software in C2 too. And will do until something breaks. Here's hoping it will work for a few more months while we finish!
I have tried C3, and really like it. It is a massive shame we can't port our c2 project over due to using Rex's multiplayer plugin. I would recommend it to anyone just starting off in game / app development. Using construct has been monumental in my game dev education.
If anyone can help convert Rex's Multiplayer plugin, let us know, it would be great to keep the old project alive in C3.