Acrolith's Forum Posts

  • 7 posts
  • That's a good one!

    I would have it so that a box detects if there is another one on top of it(There are several ways to do this) and if it does, it creates an invisible box that extends past both sides of the visible box. If a zombie is overlapping with the invisible box, have it skip the jump script and activate an attack script. When the box is destroyed, destroy the invisible one too.

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  • In my game when 2 objects of the same type collide, they combine to former a different object. The only thing is, I'm not sure how to take account of two instances of the same object and have it result in only one instance of the event.

    My dirty solution was to have them both create the object and have the system delete a random instance of it. It seems to work perfectly, but I know it'll cause problems at some point.

    Any ideas?

    Thank you!

  • Hey, I'm an artist and would be very interested in helping. It being unpaid though, will likely take a backseat to some other projects.

    Shoot me an email and we'll talk!

  • I'm not at home right now, but without looking I suppose you could jsut edit whatever events you are using to allow it to climb in the first place. Just add the condition "Compare Y < 190"

  • You can temporarily increase the player's acceleration and max speed and have it reset on a timer.

    For the double-press dash, I would have an instance variable on the player titled "Dash". Make it so pressing ">" once adds 1 to "Dash" and subtracts 1 from "Dash" a second later. If "Dash">1 then activate the effects you want and set Dash to 0.

    It should work identically in the air if you disable gravity and cancel out Y velocity on the same timer.

  • Hey guys! I've been workign with Construct 2 for a couple months and have 2 projects under way. One of which, entitled Super Juniper, I'm hoping to start Kickstarter funding for in about a month.

    I've always been a gamer. I learned to read playing Pokemon and Banjo Kazooie. So making games has always been a dream of mine. I finally felt my skills were sharpened enough so I started looking for a devloping platform, thus Construct 2.

    I'm very interested in mixing new ideas with tryed genres and themes. In general I'm looking to innovate.

    I'm an artist, composer, designer, programmer, and director and I'm entering college this Friday. I currently work solo, for lack of good teammates, but I'm always looking!

  • I think one thing that's missing from a lot of shooters is variety. Peopel get bored of teh slew of black and brown hunks of metal all derived from teh same thing that you throw at them.

    What comes to mind with a great shooter is Ratchet and Clank or Team Fortress 2. They have such a wide array of imagination, innovation, and even comedy with their weaposn that it's a refreshing feeling from what you normally see.

    Another great addition to shooters is mobility. Games like Brink, Mirror's Edge, and Gotham City Imposters all allow players a freedom of movement that is hard to give up when they decide to play another game. While each of those games has their flaws, they have an underlyign freedom that can really grab players.

    That's just to keep things fresh though. When you want true innovation, that's all about you. Innovation has to come from you. Whether you want to innovate story, gameplay, or design is soemthing you have to decide. Doing several is possible but can be a large undertaking. Ultimately, innovation is just blending an idea into the popular format. It's tough to get the perfect mix, but when you do, you can really make a change in the medium.

  • 7 posts