Hey Johnny/all,
Not sure if I should do a new post but I've amended the plugin with the following feature:
LastDataJSONStringify which works well in combo with the hash table plugin:
So an example use would be to setup a hash table to store incoming values sent from node such as:
<img src="http://www.stngame.com/images/hashtbl.PNG" border="0" />
Then, on an event, populate the hash table with the JSON string:
<img src="http://www.stngame.com/images/event_cs2.PNG" border="0" />
You can then access the data using:
Server code would look something like:
this.broadcast.emit("move player", {id: movePlayer.id, x: movePlayer.getX(), y: movePlayer.getY()});
I'm still working on this so likely to release some more stuff soon...
Sorry for the short explanation but might as well release often just in case it helps folks :)