acegi's Forum Posts

  • this is some legendary portfolio under your belts.

    you guys are on your way to creating a legend people will talk for millennia - the day game making became possible for laymens. many kudos.

  • oh wow, that solution was simple yet so elegant. thanks a bunch for the tips!

    edit: I still can't get over the fact how simple that was... lol. I can find at least dozen other application for that condition+action combo!

  • Simple strategy game example with support for basic scrolling, unit selection, minimap, sending armies and taking over bases.

    I have no idea how to get the A.I. to respond accordingly in specific situations so I'm going to have to learn the program further before I do any of that... (heck, I can't even convert the private variables from each bases to total for global variable lol)

  • Use Time Delta for smooth scrolling!

    +Key Right is down

    > Scroll.X=Scroll.X+20*TimeDelta (use a higher multiplier for faster scrolling)

    awesome, thanks!

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  • woot! thanks. that solved my scrolling problem. I'll try to think of something for my second question... perhaps i am to wait for path implementation.

  • heya. i recently was sorta making an attempt to make a game but I've already hit a roadblock (lol)

    I've got mouse scrolling working with tutorials found in the forum, but I can't seem to be able to get the keyboard scrolling to work - like in RTS where you can press arrow keys to move your screen around.

    I've currently set 'the key - is down' and it is instructed to perform 'system: scroll to x 10', but instead of scrolling incrementally, it just warps to x10 coordinates. how can I set the math to work incrementally?

    also, another question if you don't mind. is it possible to attach RTS behavior sprites to other sprites so their movements are constricted? like a road, for example. (instead of going through pesky pathfinding.)


  • > The Pandora promises to be a portable PC with gaming controls and keyboard for various emulation purpose and open source development. It never promised to rain gold or something as absurd.

    > verrated = Anything that is given too much credit and hype.

    Its not that developers saying anything its people who are worshiping them.


    > As for screen resolution, you're comparing Pandora to a laptop? Since when did MSI wind fit in your pocket? Compared to similar sized device like DS or PSP, Pandora is definitely ahead in that department.


    *looking at bold text* No sense at all.

    Well, you can blame digg and engadget for the hype. The developer of Pandora never promised anything outrageous. Pandora will be a portable PC with gaming control, and that's the end of the story.


    As for screen resolution, you're comparing Pandora to a laptop? Since when did MSI wind fit in your pocket? Compared to similar sized device like DS or PSP, Pandora is definitely ahead in that department.

    *looking at bold text* No sense at all.

    [quote:1t9ggjin]High Resolution (800x480 4.3" 16.7 million colours touchscreen LCD) its not so high resolution i think msi wind have 1024x600.

    You're comparing a device that is designed to be used in your hand vs a device that goes on a table (or rather uncomfortably, your lap).

    PSP resolution sits at 480X272. Pandora goes at 800X480, which is nearly double of PSP's. As far as I know that's pretty impressive for a handheld device.

  • they let you order them but they haven't even released pictures of the product...? i searched around the site and on the forums, and i never found a single picture of the product -- only 3D renders.

    they have prototype videos on Youtube, but there are no final pics yet due to the manufacturing and plastic mold injection starting this week. There will be more photos by mid-week i presume.

    Gbax (the company responsible for Pandora) is not a big-time company, but they are credible and they have been importing GP32 and GP2X for years for international sales.

    They're basically playing safe by not taking any loans, and not making expensive sample units and etc.

  • >

    > not true. Pandora is every bit it's promised to be.



    First thing, what did they promise?That it will be a small pc?

    [quote:2an048fb]and Pandora has a high resolution screen and is Ubuntu capable. (it already runs full Ubuntu with Firefox and Gimp.)

    High Resolution (800x480 4.3" 16.7 million colours touchscreen LCD) its not so high resolution i think msi wind have 1024x600.

    It's basically a small PC in your pocket - something laptops and even UMPC's can't do.


    There are plenty of UMPC's out there being manufactured, so obviously people have the want and the need for small PC which you can use on the go without the hassle of laptops (which requires some kind of surface to sit on).

    Yeah well the same was with PC "why hassle with PC when you can travel with Laptop" and wtf "(which requires some kind of surface to sit on)" well ok if its a small PC you need a surface if you want to type anything or if you want to type with your thumbs thats ok.

    Pandora is basically the smallest UMPC out there on the market at the moment, and it also has gaming controls - which is fantastic for emulators (Pandora already runs PSX, CPS2/Neogeo emulators at full speed).

    A console emulator.

    what's there to be overrated? It would be overrated if Pandora promised something and it can't do it, but it already can do many of the things Pandora claims to be capable of.

    Overrated = Anything that is given too much credit and hype.

    Some of people think this is revolutionary, i dont think so.

    Just like the Wii console.

    well, hello mr. troll.

    The Pandora promises to be a portable PC with gaming controls and keyboard for various emulation purpose and open source development. It never promised to rain gold or something as absurd.

    As for screen resolution, you're comparing Pandora to a laptop? Since when did MSI wind fit in your pocket? Compared to similar sized device like DS or PSP, Pandora is definitely ahead in that department.


    Yeah well the same was with PC "why hassle with PC when you can travel with Laptop" and wtf "(which requires some kind of surface to sit on)" well ok if its a small PC you need a surface if you want to type anything or if you want to type with your thumbs thats ok.

    What? since when did you use PSP or DS on a table? You hold it in your hand and Pandora is no exception. Pandora is the same size as the original DS, so portability is a non-issue.


    Overrated = Anything that is given too much credit and hype.

    Some of people think this is revolutionary, i dont think so.

    Just like the Wii console.

    There is no hype. It's just you. It was never designed to be a mainstream device. It will never be on a Bestbuy shelf and it will continue that way. It's a community designed device made specifically for those people in that community (GP32X community).

    People who are interested in a pocket-sized PC that is capable of running Ubuntu, and emulators up to PSX and N64 will buy this device. People who want to play the latest Capcom, Nintendo, Sony etc games will buy PSP or DS.

    That's all.

  • Open Pandora... why Pandora mythological Pandora Box that if it will be opened it will spread deceases all over the world? Design looks pretty good and it shows that its like a little pc where the only limitation is human imagination but the fact that is a little pc makes it worse becouse it will be only a handheld console not a Working PC. (small monitor lol) If i want to play something i'll buy a console and if i want to work i will buy a laptop or if i want both i'll buy stationary PC.

    So too put it simple, in my opinion Open Pandora is


    Just becouse something is opensource its not better, it just gives more flexibility to change the product so its not straightly connected to main developers becouse some guy can change a code a little and upgrade it but its very rare issue!

    not true. Pandora is every bit it's promised to be.

    first of all, it's not a primary computer replacement. Pandora is for people who already has a full pledged PC of some sort.

    and Pandora has a high resolution screen and is Ubuntu capable. (it already runs full Ubuntu with Firefox and Gimp.)

    It's basically a small PC in your pocket - something laptops and even UMPC's can't do.

    There are plenty of UMPC's out there being manufactured, so obviously people have the want and the need for small PC which you can use on the go without the hassle of laptops (which requires some kind of surface to sit on).

    Pandora is basically the smallest UMPC out there on the market at the moment, and it also has gaming controls - which is fantastic for emulators (Pandora already runs PSX, CPS2/Neogeo emulators at full speed).

    what's there to be overrated? It would be overrated if Pandora promised something and it can't do it, but it already can do many of the things Pandora claims to be capable of.

  • hey! i ordered one myself!

    it's a fantastic handheld-PC, basically. (with gaming controls) I look forward to the shipping date.

  • thank you so much for the replies! will definitely try them.

  • Thank you for quick response!

    for 1 & 2, I'll try to explain it a bit more specifically.

    for 1, I was basically thinking of private variables that is not related to any objects in any way or form, but their numbers do exist (though invisible), so I can use these sets of variables to use them as a sort of a 'trigger' mechanism, so I can tell A.I to behave in specific way when it is triggered. Taking for instance, an RPG game where you have specific characters in your party, and for each character you have it turns the trigger on (and off for characters you don't have), and the event sheet will check if those triggers are on, and will play certain events for you accordingly (that is related to the character).

    I guess it can be done using global variable, but without any way to organize the variables in directories, it could get cluttered i think.

    and as for 2, i was thinking in the line of - a strategy game for instance, where many warlords have their own set of private value called 'gold', and each castle also have their own 'gold' private value. so instead of having multiple private values of same concept (and complex event sheet programming that follows for 'transferring' that variable) , i thought it would be handy to have a global variable which each objects can gain or subtract individually, and also works globally when needed. I know it sound a bit fuzzy but I hope i explained it well

    Thanks again!

  • Heya. Thanks for your awesome work on Construct.

    Anyways, so I've been fooling around with it a bit and i was delighted to find Variable system is much easier to understand (compared to other game makers), but it also gave me few questions to ponder about.

    1. Is there any way to create a private variable that is not bound to objects? (so I can use it as a 'trigger' mechanism to sorta mimic A.I.)

    2. Can there be an 'universal' variable that works globally but also privately? (i.e Gold for individual characters and globally working based on a same variable)

    3. Is it possible to create a 'group' of variables that stores different set of variables under 1 variable? (like for instance, strength, stamina and agility variable under the character name "Jake")

    4. Is it also possible to 'compare variable' via event action? (like when 2 characters collide, event condition is met and it triggers action which compares stats of 2 chars then decides who takes more damage)

    I guess that's all for now. Forgive me for my ignorance if answer for these happens to be pretty obvious. I'm new


  • /sign

    this would allow me to express object "knockback" (like a character getting knocked slightely backwards when hit by an object without using sloppy physics...)