abhilash2863's Forum Posts

  • [quote:1dvsi3ru]"Part of your problem could be because you're probably going through puberty - parents are always wrong . After puberty, hormon levels should stabilize and you could be calmer, plus more mature and you'll deal with some situations differently."

    I don't think that would help much since he mentioned that he has bipolar disorder, infact things could turn worse if it's not takencare of in a proper way.

    : It's good to see that you atleast have a therapist to whom you can talk to. In India, people who suffer from bipolar, anxiety etc disorders are labeled "attention seeking" just because the suffering is not physical and they can't see it. I can't talk about it to anybody since I know what the outcome would be, they just would think I trying to gain attention and run away from my responsibilities.

  • Getting in a fight is not something you should be proud of, although it's sometimes necessary to defend yourself. I never had a fight in my life, it's not that I could win . I am 18, 5'4" and barely weigh 108 lbs, so because of it I was really prone to bullies. I still have nightmares about that, wish I had just punched them once then maybe I wouldn't have these self esteem and anxiety issues that I have.

    Bah, I again went offtopic...

    Back to topic. When I am angry because something is unfair, I mostly do what Ashley suggested, just admit that what is happening is not unfair(although it not really helpful). When I have an argument with my family, I mostly end up doing what they want just for the sake of making them happy, after that I just isolate myself in my room for the next hour or so. Honestly, I don't even know if that helps or not.

    [quote:32zdx6gp]Eh, I personally take a break from whatever is causing me anger issues. Taking a long walk in the forest helps.

    I used to do this before I moved to this new city 2 years ago, now I live in the middle of a city so it's no longer an option.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Wow, the difference really seems big. According to the system you described, I just passed my A-levels and will be going to uni in a few months.

    In India we don't have the credits system and instead of grades we get marks/points(exams of 40,70, 100 marks). Academics here focuses more on theory rather than practicals. We don't have many projects or presentations( I don't have a problem with this since I have severe social anxiety disorder and prefer not to be the centre of attention ) but thoery exams are more important.

    And also schooling system here seems to be rather simple than what you described. Grades 1-5 are called Primary, 6-10 are called secondary, 11 and 12 are reffered as senior secondary. After we pass Grade 10, we allowed to choose different subjects based on our score in grade 10. There's Science, Commerce and Arts streams. Science stream is further divided into PCMC(Phy, Chem, Maths, Computers) and PCMB(Phy, Chem, Maths, Biology). I opted for PCMC.

    The commerce and arts are considered for less "intelligent" students, not by the students though it's mostly a belief of parents and teachers(yes).

    The increase in difficulty and change in subject matter is substantial in Grade XI for science students, many who used to score 90+ in grade X have now difficulty in passing, this sadly leads to suicides of many students due to very high expectations from the parents.

    For the next 2 years we learn the subjects we chose and the mandatory English subject. The scores we get in grade XII is stamped on everything we do next. I plan to do B.E in Computer Science.

    I hope I am not bothering you, but would you consider listing some of the stuff you learn in subjects like Phy, Chem, Maths in grade XI-XII, just want to check that what we learn here is similar or not.

    Thanks for taking your time to write this.

  • http://www.schome.ac.uk/wiki/Education_systems_by_country

    Well, I found this page that was somewhat helpful but it doesn't explain what do the students actually learn at a particular age. I mean the what diffenrent subjects they learn, the syllabus etc. I've always heard from people who have went abroad to some western countries that the education system there is simple compared to countires like India, Japan etc.

    If you have a few minutes then would some of you care to write a few things about the education system in your country? Like what subjects do you have and maybe list a few concepts that you learn in those subjects. You don't need to write everything, so just write something about what is the stuff you learn when you are 17-18 years old. (grade XI-XII).

    Note: I am just curious, nothing more. I passed my school exams a few days ago(grade XII) and will be going to college in October. The last few months (Dec 2010- April 2011) have been horrible to me, giving tests after tests every month, waking up late at night 3-4AM just mugging up stuff. It seems that the pressure from the school authorities, parents, relatives is really high here when compared to western countires, I just want to verify it.

  • People with fried desktops allowed here?

    I recently blew up my desktop's motherboard. On my brother's laptop now. But I can't do any work on that, it's really uncomfortable. I can't use for more than a hour without cramping my neck. Desktops are way better than laptops.

    On the brighter side, I'll be getting a brand new desktops in a few weeks.

  • First of all, change from yolasite to something better like wordpress, blogger, blog.com etc. Even though these are mostly used for blogging, it's way better than yolasite.

  • Added next part!

  • **** I completely forgot about this contest.

    If I can somehow stop myself from playing HalfLife 2, then maybe I could whip out something in these 10 days.

    [quote:3oanqiq2]The next challenge will include its own 1 buck prize PLUS the buck of this one if it's not won

    Maybe keep the next challenge a bit shorter like 2-5 days so people don't forget about it.

  • something like this?


    comments are there in the cap file for some help.

    EDIT: Saw your PM, maybe the problem is that 'star' sprites are facing in the wrong direction. Try comparing your attempt and the example above, the rotating handle of the sprite in the above example is facing downwards and in Construct be default are facing towards right (so you have to change it)

  • yeah, I too would like too see the cap.

  • Images stored in the 'Photos' can't be shared, you should store them in the Public folder.

    Right now, only you can probably see those images since you've logged in your Dropbox account.

  • I have some free time now, maybe I'll start working on remaining of the 'vertical shooter' tutorial series, as soon as my computer gets repaired.

    Under no circumstance should you try to make an RPG in four weeks. Not even a basic, simple one. RPGs, even simple ones, are far, far more complex than they seem. My 'simple' RPG is so far 2 1/2 YEARS in the making (not fulltime, but regardless - a LOT of work)! Go for the scroller instead!

    Arima is right, you'll never be able to finish a RPG in 4 weeks, probably try something simplier like a short platformer or something similar.

  • You could give us some screenshots of each step of how you are trying to export the game. Maybe we could help then.

  • That's wierd, Construct by default exports an .exe(it can't export in any other format) and it's strange that Windows is not recognizing an exe file.

    Maybe you deleted the ".exe" part in the export path?

    <img src="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/5811650/Help%20Files/help2.PNG">

    It's the only way I can think of. Or maybe it's because of some virus like lucid mentioned.

  • newt:

    even though you don't want to be rude, saying something like that often hurts people. He may be a bit over eager and asks on the forum without looking up on the wiki or searching the forum. Wait sometime, he'll be all right.

    lucid: Win XP with Win98 theme, I like it more than the usual XP one, plus this theme matches my wallpaper.