abhilash2863's Forum Posts

  • Well, I played videogames for the first time maybe in 2001-2002 on my Pentium4, so I have missed games like Metroid, Zelda and all console games since I never owned any of them.

    Here's my list of favorites-


    -Need for Speed: Porsche Unleashed - Probably the best version of NFS that I have played, maybe because the races were not limited in a single city like in the newer versions. I remember playing this even though the Normandie track bug caused my computer to freeze everytime I played it.

    -Portal: Best storyline ever.

    -Loved http://jayisgames.com/archives/2010/06/loved.php Wicked game


    -Half Life 1/2

    -Critical Mass: Not popular but still very fun to play.


    -Westward : just the first game, not the rest of the series(2,3,4)

    -NFS Most Wanted: I still play this game, since my PC cannot run any of the newer versions.

    -5 Days a stranger: Still have to play the rest of the series.


    Now somebody should make a thread for favorite movies

  • I don't want to go off topic but can people please upload their images dropbox or any other service except imageshack? because for some retarded reason, imageshack won't let me see those images. Instead I see this-

    <img src="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/5811650/3243.PNG">

    Well, I'll just download the game instead of whining.

  • I wanted to clear my doubts before I begin working on the game.

    I am making a simple game depicting a psychological experiment, but sometime ago I was reading one manga(japanese comics, yeah I have the habit of reading psychological comics) where one of those experiments on human behavior was explained, but the name of the experiment was changed, because it was said that the findings of the research papers of these experiments could not be used without permission. Is it true? Will we have to take permission for making something related to those experiments?

    I may not be wording my question right, but it should clear enough to understand what I am trying to ask.

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  • I was laughing and embarrassed at the same time that movies like this are made in India.

    The name of the flick is 'ROBOT' and that guy is Rajnikanth, and trust me you have seen nothing till now of how his rest of the movies are. He is equivalent of Chuck Norris in India. This movie was a quite hit in southern india because people LITERALLY worship him there.(ritual of bathing his super huge poster with MILK)

    Really, I am now tired of watching Indian movies where retards are trying to make you laugh with vulgar jokes. Don't know when this era of stupid dance sequences and ****** jokes in indian movies will end.

    PS: can somebody guess the age of that guy? he is




    right now. His real life pic is totally different.

  • [quote:1ziheey9]Not really, I'm interested in art in general (for exemple, I play harmonica and guitar), and to create video games is the best way to touch at everything, and to include my knowledges in psychology.

    psychology concepts in video games? i am waiting for your games then...

  • [quote:1n3n7lgj]So? what's wrong with that? that means more game making software to choose from.

    I said that because I think this was the way Construct was born.

    [quote:1n3n7lgj]I see you added retrib and SWFPSC, retrib's development has stopped as you labeled but you should also label SWFPSC development stopped as well, since it is also dropped in favor of the now possibly vaporware Plutonium3D.

    Plutonium3d is not vaporware. Zoltan posted a video of the editor sometime ago, don't know why it was removed though.

  • This thread was not created to argue why c2 has went commercial. I'm not, in any way, against the decision that Construct will be commercial. We don't have any right to stop you from earning your livelihood the way you want.(unless you start smuggling drugs )

    But I hope that you guys don't become like YoYo games or Click Team, because then, someday a group of uni students making plugins for C2 will team-up to make a free open source alternative to C2.

    [quote:2z8ry9ag]Whoever is complaining then I'm assuming they r still young kids, so advice to them : ask your parents to buy you c2 for easter, christams instead of new game

    Labeling people kids is not right, people don't want to spend money can't be the only reason. Just to let you know, different people live in different situations/conditions.

    Jamesx and LavaWave: Thanks for the links, I'll add them to the list. Maratis3D looks very promising.

  • Looks pretty interesting.

    But I can't test it, don't know why MS stopped supporting newer versions of IE on XP.

  • These tools are not known much simply because they don't have that much of hype around them and the devs aren't very keen in advertising their hobby project, also another reason maybe is that they don't have any good games to show off.

    Most of these softwares are incomplete and are still in development but that doesn't mean that these are bad, even Construct 0.9.x is/was still in development and was still very good.

    And I can't understand what do you mean by 'Unsupported' here, do you mean that these softwares are not supported by many platforms?(I listed the exports possible in Bennu) or do you mean that these tools don't have enough documentation? Novashell, Bennu, Processing, SmallBasic, GameDevelop have some decent docs.

    Oh, and I noticed just now that BennuGD website is down for some reason.

    EDIT: This was in reply to Ashley. Arima and karshinkoff posted while I was writing the reply.

  • [quote:3pq4j7uc]I think our main contenders - all of which you missed! - are Game Maker, GameSalad, Multimedia Fusion, Unity3D and possibly Stencyl.

    GM, MMF2, GameSalad, Unity3D and Stencyl are not listed here because earlier the the title of this thread was "UNKNOWN alternatives" before Tom changed it.

    [quote:3pq4j7uc]how about something like a comparison to Construct, or something along those lines which might be more relevant to users of this forum?

    I haven't tried many of them except BennuGD, Novashell, and SmallBasic and all of these sure look promising though.

    BennuGD is cross platform and runs on many platforms including linux, mac, GP2X wiz, Haiku, Dingoo and Wii.

  • Ever since there was news that C2 would go commercial, some people were unhappy with it because the main attraction in C1 was that it was free to use. So here's a list of some unknown gamer makers which are still in active development.

    Note to Scirra:

    I am sorry, but if you think this post could drive away some potential customers then you can delete this thread. I would have no objection.

    I am not completely unhappy that you are going commercial with this project since even part time development was hard because you were going to pass out of college soon and handling something like this with a full time job would be impossible. So good luck with C2 guys!

    So here's the list-







    Novashell GE






    Express Game Maker




    SmallBasic[Warning: By microsoft]






    Gemix Studio




    Retribution Engine(developement stopped)


    SilentWalk FPS creator


  • kinda late but still, HI!

    hope we don't scare you away.

  • Um, I thought you'd follow the Unity way but still I like everything about this plan, since I'll be using mostly the free version till I get a credit card

    But still one thing that bugs me is that there's no windows exporter in the free version, or, will there be one?

    Since most others tools have the windows exporter for free and most of the hobbyist game makers who make QUALITY games for free are actually looking for that. (I capped Quality because the HTML5 is pretty limited right now, not much eye candy)

    EDIT: Will the nag screen in the free version depend on how much time we have used it? Like we have to wait for 5 sec one day to close the nag screen and 6 sec the next day.

  • [quote:aemjffvz]But since you're going that route, I'd really like to see C2 adopt the Unity3D model of licensing. The main editor should remain free for non-commercial use. Any games made with the free version are branded with a splash screen or logo. Desktop exporters should also come with the free version, but be branded as well.


    I think most people will not have objection in making the whole project closed source. And since it's 3AM here I'll put it in the shortest way possible. COPY WHAT UNITY IS DOING . Charge for platforms like android, iphone and the developers would have to pay some some amount of money to make commercial games from it. If you want, then keep a splash screen in the free version.

    And a last piece of advice- Add 1-2 more people to the dev team, if you are planning to full time on this.

  • HTML5 export is pretty much useless for anything right now, but we don't know what could happen in future. I hope there would be exe export maybe in an year or half. But since Ashley said that we would have to pay for exe export I will probably stick to C1, thanks to Paypal and RBI(Reserve Bank Of India) which don't allow anyone to buy anything directly from their Paypal account.