A0Nasser's Forum Posts

  • If you have many copies of the same sprite with different values of : sine - platform - physics...etc

    And you want all the copies to be is one value, Go to the Projects bar in the right and select the sprite from there and change the values, You will find that all the sprites in the layout will be changed, But if there a copies in other layout will not be changed.

  • Check this tutorial channel :

    http://www.youtube.com/user/gamedevtuts ... onstruct+2

  • On click button 1 --- image set image frame to 1

    On click button 2 --- image set image frame to 2


    You need to make the speed of images in the sprite to 0

  • Thank's for the quick replies.

    The camera will stick to the player every tic without lerp, And In some situations i want the camera to move smoothly to left or up or even more to the right then stick there.

    If i use lerp the camera will follow the player, Sometimes the player will fall and the camera need x of time to reach the player.

    And if i use the code without lerp : set camera to player.x+200 and player.y-100..for example, It will work perfectly but the problem when you move the camera to new positions, it move in 1 tic not smoothly.

    Forgive my english

    And thank's for interest

  • I have more than 50 sounds in my game.

    When the player in main menu i preload 5 sounds that will play in the start of the first layout.

    When the player in the first layout i preload the rest of the sounds.

  • Hello all

    Aphrodite can you or anyone please show me how to make the camera move to different positions smoothly then stick every tic to the player until i move it to another place.

    My game is platform and the player will fall from height places and jump...etc.

    I'm using this global variable :

    Position = 0 --------- camera set position to : lerp(Self.X, Player.X+200, 1*dt)

    Position = 1 --------- camera set position to : lerp(Self.X, Player.X-100, 2*dt)


    And because of (x*dt) the camera will not stick 100% in the place.

    And if i deleted the (x*dt) or make it more less the movement between positions will not be smooth.

    Thank's for any help

  • System - Every x second ---- System create "object" on layer "0" on "random(xx,xx)

  • Did you see the Vertical space shooter example in construct 2 engine.

  • How did you make the zoom?

    Global variable : zoom = 0

    System - zoom = 0 ----- System - set layout scale to : lerp(layoutscale, 1, 1*dt) ------- normal zoom

    System - zoom = 1 ----- System - set layout scale to : lerp(layoutscale, 0.6, 1*dt) ------- zoom out

    System - zoom = 2 ----- System - set layout scale to : lerp(layoutscale, 1.4, 1*dt) ------- zoom in

    And what did you mean about force rotate?

    Are you using the rotate behavior?

  • Did you try this event :

    On start of layout --- Audio - play sound 1 not looping tag "X"

    Audio - on tag "X" ended --- Audio - play sound 2 looping

  • Your game for mobile or pc?

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Check this tutorial :


  • You need to change the roll of factor value, In the audio plugin properties.

  • You don't need to add solid to the powerUp.

    Check the last events in the capx, I hope this what you need.

  • Can you upload sample capx?