How do I adjust ORIGINAL sprite??????????

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  • Please help, I'm super confused about how I go about changing the 'original' sprite.

    I'm a very experienced developer coming here from Unity , I have a very good understanding of classes, instances, inheritance... etc) I've worked in the industry for over 20 yrs - I was the lead animator/designer on Tomb Raider II... just to give you an idea of my experience....

    I love Construct 2, all ready got a fully working version of 'Jet Pac' done..... But I'm VERY CONFUSED about this:

    create new blank project.

    create new sprite. (right click in project view)

    drop sprite in layout.

    Add physics behavior.

    change density to 100.

    delete sprite.

    -- now... later on I want to put the sprite back again...

    drag sprite from project view to layout.

    select sprite in layout.

    -- now the physics density is set back to 1... not 100.

    So if I had set up all the physics values to be just right, got my object working just right.... then all instances were deleted for now.... and I put the sprite back later on.... BANG! All my values are back to the default values. As far as I can tell this happens with all behaviors....

    So how do you go about 'storing' your own default setup? - I maybe super confused coming from Unity (I'm kind of expecting it to work like prefabs).

    Am I expected to set the values back up for and sprite that has had all it's instances deleted??? Surely my default values should appear in the properties bar when I select the sprite in the project view...... but when you select a sprite in the project view it selects all the instances of it in the layout view??? Is there no such thing as 'my default settings'??

    Oh... I'm probably wasting my time writing this... there's something really nice about Construct... but the fundamental approach is starting to feel a bit flawed....

  • Right.

    So, it this right: The very first instance of a sprite placed in ANY layout acts as a storage for my default settings?

    so if I have a layout called "myObjects" and when ever I create a new sprite I should place here first, so if I want to adjust my 'default values' of the physics behavior, I go back and always adjust this one? So sprite(0) always stores the default values for behaviors???

    This is my thinking.

  • If you have many copies of the same sprite with different values of : sine - platform - physics...etc

    And you want all the copies to be is one value, Go to the Projects bar in the right and select the sprite from there and change the values, You will find that all the sprites in the layout will be changed, But if there a copies in other layout will not be changed.

  • thanks for taking the time to reply. I'm adjusting the way I work to take into account there is no 'prefab' version of a sprite...

  • It's not so much that the information is stored in the 'first' object, as in the default object as created in the editor. Say you deleted the existing object when starting your game (as I often do), at this point you have zero of those objects. If you then create a new object of that type, it begins with the default properties as laid out in the editor. So yes, if you want certain properties upon setup, set them in the editor.

    Honestly, C2 is awesome but it does have a few peculiarities which you need to get your head around (they're usually very good and helpful, just not entirely clear until you understand the flow of the engine better). I personally delete most of my objects on start of layout and when I create my own, set my own values during run-time anyway, just to be clear in my own head.

    By the way, I'm not absolutely 100% sure that everything I just said is even right, so double-check the values during runtime with a text-box or something (or the debugger).

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  • thanks farflamex, I was thinking about setting my own values at run-time like you suggest, I think that would be the clearest and simplest way...

    I think I'm finding some stuff very confusing because I've spent so long using the Unity engine... but I really like the idea of using Construct for bashing out some fun little html5 games.. but with Unity soon supporting webGL I'm not sure it's worth getting to know Construct too intimately.

  • I know what you mean, but I would say give C2 a try. It's really incredibly powerful and amazingly easy to use... apart from a few things which occasionally break my brain, but that's true in any language. It also has a good community and constant updates, although that's true of Unity of course. The problem, like anything, would be the learning curve. It did take me some time to get my head around C2 but I'm glad I did, and while it's not perfect, it's closer to perfect than anything else I've seen.

    I suppose much depends on what you're trying to do too. C2 isn't for 3D games so if you're planning any 3D, I assume Unity is the way to go.

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