9ac3eff7-1cb1-4151-bd68-964875892c83's Forum Posts

  • Hi there. I am (trying to, at least) working on a plugin which allows the developer to enter their comments directly into the conditions & action bars.

    Now, I know that C2 has a commenting system already, so why would I (try to) do this? Well, while the comment system is quite useful, it only allows comment ABOVE a block, not wedged within it, like in non-visual code.

    This is pretty much just a plugin that does nothing, tbh. You can enter any data type into this block, and it will just be ignored when exported. I don't even know JS; I just renamed & removed a bunch of stuff from the templates.

    So far, it's not working. But hey, progress!

    Link right here: https://github.com/JDebstup/inline-comments-for-c2

    Ignore the commits from 2016 - I was being an idiot & added the repo from someone else when setting up.

    Now, if anyone wants to contribute to this thing, be my guest! If you got it working, you are more than welcome to post it to the plugins page! (I have a to-do list in the ReadMe for the important stuffs, if anyone's interested.)

    Thanks in advance for any help!

  • Thanks for the reply, LaDestitute!

    So, if I understand you correctly, if I have a save file that looks like this, with each block representing level | power | money:

    5 | 7 | 12[/code:2413trgt]
    If I want to set my character's level, would I do this?:
    [code:2413trgt]character.power = tokenat(savefile.format, 2, " | ")[/code:2413trgt]
    And, respectively, to obtain the character's money in inventory, would I do this?:
    [code:2413trgt]character.money= tokenat(savefile.format, 3, " | ")[/code:2413trgt]
  • Hi there. So I have a character who has multiple variables (eg Level, Type, Name, etc), and I would like to write them to a file, so that the game can re-read them and load the variables to the same character when it's loaded afterwards, preferably in a text file instead of web/local-storage.

    How should I do this?

    What I had tried to find beforehand:

    1) Savegame property. While this would definitely save the character, it would save the entire game & not just the specific character(s).

    2) XMLs. While it could be read to fill the specific variables, I haven't found a way to write to the XML files directly, or even selecting the specific tags.

    3) Individual text files for each variable. While this could definitely be used to store each variable, the task is tedious & requires each variable per file.

    Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance!

  • > Anyone please reupload the XML file? Thanks!


    This is the Construct Classic section - there are no XML files for CC effects.

    Oh. Nvm, thanks anyway!

  • Anyone please reupload the XML file? Thanks!

  • Hey there! How do I remove only one object in Line of Sight when I "clear obstacle"?

  • Yeah under pathfinding behaviour if you disable Diagonals then they should just use those angles.

    Thanks for the reply, ! However, when I tried that, the angle of movement is not at the 4 degrees intended.

  • Hi there! So I have set up a pathfinding algorithm for enemies which follow specific paths. However, I only want to set their angle to 0, 90, 180 and 270. Is there a way to do this, ie force the enemy sprites to set angle to only 90, 180 270 and 360 according to its pathfind's general direction? Thanks in advance for any help!

    NOTE: I have tried rounding the angles in every tick, although there are always small jitters and zigzags in the "straight" path, which causes the enemies' angles to not be set to its general direction.

  • Hi there! I made a stealth game, similar to a top-down camera view. It's currently in pre-alpha, but what the heck, I wanna share it with you guys! So here is the link:

    http://drive.google.com/open?id=0B11opD ... 1BPajdwQzQ

    Note that this pre-alpha version is currently only for Windows. Other OSes might have for this version to be stable & ready first. This version also does not have a specific mission for you yet. Currently it's just testing the mechanics of the game & obtaining feedback. Do have a look, and please do comment suggestions, bugs, etc!


    WASD - Move

    Mouse - Turn

    Left Mouse Button - Shoot

    E (hold) - Takedown (behind enemy), Lock/unlock doors (when near door), Obtain items (near crates)

    Thanks in advance! <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy">

  • Gmoney and Aphrodite , thanks for the help so far!

    I have a theory, but I need to test it: could you try running/testing the game as normal 4 times, and check if each of them is laggy or not, and at what instances do they become laggy (being spotted, moving, opening/closing door, etc). Then, run/test the game again but with every/most program(s) closed. Then, revert the program to any previous version (ie r227) and redo the two tests again. Please do post the results when you have done so, and any other users can help out too!

    Thanks in advance!

  • Gmoney , Thanks once again for the reply! Somehow, I still have the leg every time I preview it. Like he said, could anyone else try the game as well? Thanks in advance!

  • Gmoney , thanks for the reply! No, the 0.25 timescale is meant to give the player a slo-mo effect and some time to react when it is first spotted by an enemy (in similar manner to Metal Gear Solid V, Arkham Knight & GTA 5). The slo-mo effect is intended for both enemy types, but that's definitely not where the lag comes from.

  • So I am developing (or spending quiet time really, more as a hobby) a game on Construct 2. I use NW.js for exports, but when I preview it, it comes up really laggy.

    Here is the link to the file (please note that I'm using r233):


    Is it lagging for you guys too? (I tried it on Chrome too, and it's still laggy.) If so, any suggestions to reduce the lag? Thanks in advance!

    NOTE: I use WIndows 10 x64, Construct 2 r233, Nw.js for x64

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  • Hey guys! So here is a stealth game that I made which is nowhere finished...yet. I call it Blinque!

    A minimalistic stealth shooter, the game is pretty simple. I mean, I made all the sprites in PowerPoint. There isn't much to it at the moment, but you play as Blinque, a silent hunter who works for the Collective, who in the specific level shown, must infiltrate Kronkave and retrieve the weapons cache (or something like that, haven't had a look yet). I added some LoS stuffs, night vision, door opening/closing, offscreen enemy indicators, alert icons, all the stuff. Basically, Metal Gear.

    The level isn't finished, though, so it's currently at early dev stage. There is no objective here yet, either, so bear with me.


    WASD - Move

    Left Mouse Button - Shoot/Skip Dialog

    E (hold) - Open/Close doors

    SHIFT (hold) - Run when moving, zoom out when still

    Here is the link: goo.gl/MHcClI

    Feedback is most welcome and very needed! I plan to make the game COMPLETELY free-to-play, so let's make it count!

    Thanks in advance for any feedback & critiques! You guys rock!

  • Have you tried pressing "Reset dialogs" in Preferences?


    I have, and it doesn't do anything. The dialogs for editing the code still wouldn't appear when I double-click it.