99Instances2Go's Forum Posts

  • Why so difficult? Why use 'wait'?

    https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B1SSu ... FdCVF9xMkU

  • It continues because the condition is true.

    And yes it removes the Left one from the picklist.

    You dont want it to act different. What if you use the two conditions on there own ? Or in an and ?

    Pick conditions do pick, there is no way arround that, they are designed to pick, and it is good as it is (my opnion).

    It pleases me mutch dat you understand the picklist fully.

    But, do you know that you can compare things without touching the picklist ? And that you should if that is what you want to do ?

    Look :

    https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B1SSu ... Wg2bjdETGs

  • Variables take time to set ? Okay. If you say so.

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  • Then dont destroy them. Geez. I expected the bottles to behave as bullets.

    Why can't you upload a capx to any sharing service ? You know how to post links.

    The video sure shows your problem ! Time you see it too.

  • First this: 'wait' is NOT a timer. It just postpones actions.

    It is not (and still not) easy to answher this question, without to be able to correct your .capx

    I am afraid that you not gonna understand 'words', (based on you totaly weird events) but lets try.

    Taking your capx as example would be better.

    You want it to happening on a 'on collisson'. Not every so mutch seconds. You have 4 stages of dead. I suppose you have 4 animations named "Hurt1", "Hurt2" , "Hurt3" and "Hurt4".

    Give the duck an instance variable 'Stage' ... number .. = 0

    Condition > On Duck collission with Bottle

    Action > add 1 to 'Stage'

    Action > start animation "Hurt"&str(Duck.Stage)

    Action > destroy the bottle

    Condition > Duck > On finished "Hurt4"

    Action > destroy Duck

  • Yes ofcours.

    Just know that the content of a texbox is a string. And size expects numbers.

    Set width/height to int(TextBox.text). int() translates string to number.

  • The maps are not that easy, generated during runtime, if saw that video right. Else ... yeah, 4 sure.

  • No workarround needed.

    You can do things (actions) with a newly created objects, either right after the creation or in the 'on create' event.

    You can NOT read things (expressions) from a newly created object until the next root-level event.

    Picking depends on expressions (by UID is the only exception), so you can not pick a newly created object until the next root-level event.

    You set the instance variable explosion.size to 0.5. Thats is possible, as said, its just an action. But read that variable is not possible until the next root-level event. 'On created' just runs as it is on the same time and place as the creation action. So it is no new root-level event.

    How to do this the easy way? And that is not a workarround, that is just how things go.

    Give the sprite an instance boolean 'JustCreated'.

    Right after the creation action, set that boolean to 'true'.

    Now just a totaly new event with the condition (root-event) ..

    Condition > Sprite > Is boolean instance set > 'JustCreated'

    Action > set 'JustCreated' to false.

    Action > anything you want to do with/read from the sprite.

  • I see in that video that you rebuild the obstacle map like 20 times in a row.

    There is only 1 obstacle map. Rebuild the obstacle map for one object rebuilds the obstacle map for all objects. That obstacle map is ready the next tick.

    For such a small map, 1.2 second is really really slow. You must be dooing weird thing, but that i can not see in a video with most of the code collapsed. Why not post the Capx ?

    I can not see if you have solids ... or customs as obstacles. Non-custom obstacle maps get allready calculated on a 'find path'. I dont see the obstacles moving, why recalculate the obstacle map anyway ?

  • Because event 35 - 38 are subs under 'is sight', 'it' can only change direction when 'it' sees Player.

    On the moment 'it' can't see Player, 'it' keeps moving in the direction that it was allready moving. 'it' just cant change direction.

    Bring those events outside the 'is sight'.

    Also, the animation changes to 'sleep' when 'it" is not seeing the player. But there is no action that makes 'it' actual sleep', if sleep = also stop moving.

  • That is a bitt a bizar construction.

    There are two thing to consider when using a condition.

    1/ The actions run if the condition is true.

    2/ The actions adress the picked objects.

    For 'each' picks an instance 1 by 1. If its animation frame = 0, it stays in the picklist, else it is filterd out. The overlapping condition does not filter anything doors out the picklist, the overlapping condition only makes the condition true or false. Conclusion: the action adresses each door with animation = 0, when character is overlapping any doorcollissionbox.

    You need to pair doorcollissionbox with its door. To do that, use a containetr. Or give Door and its Collisionbox an instance variable (say 'pair') that you gave the same number. So instance variable 'pair' of the first door = 1, and the instance variable 'pair' of the first collision box = also 1.

    Now you can ...

    Condition: On doorcollissionbox overlapping Character (picklist contains now that doorcollissionbox & character)

    Condition: Pick by comparisation ... Door.pair .. = .. doorcollissionbox.pair (add the right door the picklist)

    Actions .... whatever you need.

  • There is a 'replace color' effect. Attach it to the layer.

    Tolerance must be a fair amount. Start at 20 ?

  • It is the correct way to 'pauze' audio.

    Just have to interpreted that as 'pauze allready playing audio'.

    Newly started audio just starts playing, as supposed to be. You can not pauze 'play audio' actions. (i gamble that this is the problem you perceive)

    If that is what you want to do, then make any variable to represend 'yes audio'/'no audio' and use it with the 'on collissions'. Or use that 'frame' system that you have allready in place (nice solution).

    Instead of pauze the game effects, i guess you better 'stop' them.