Oh i am happy with it as it is (how it works).
I would like to suggest other names, to give it more an intuitive 'polar feeling'. But that is up to you.
.OriginX i would name .PoleX / .PoleY. "Pole" is mostly used to point to that point. (i think)
.DeltaX i would name .Radius
.DeltaY i would name .Azimuth. "Angle" is taken. And Azimuth means the angle to a reference angle.
You could add that 'reference angle' (the polar axis, up to you), but i guess that will complicate things for most users. Everyone is used to zero angle as reference.
Say you have two objects under an angle(x1,y1,x2,y2)
Say we can set an expression .ReferenceAngle to that angle. (or leave it to a default zero)
Then we can set .Azimuth with .ReferenceAngle as the angle from where .Azimuth starts to rotate from.
Now we can easily go along with rotated coordinate systems.