99Instances2Go's Forum Posts

  • I have 2 main comments. If thats ok.


    IF you use the same object for showing of the animation AND for reading out its platform expressions, THEN i can not make any conclusion without seeing the animation frames. If the animation frames differ in size, if the origins are not on the same relative place, if the collision boxes are not the same, then the platforms expressions are not reliable. It will trigger as 'falling' when standing on the floor, by instance. It will be constantly be in a state of 'landing', even when in the floor, and the platforms 'push out of solids routine' will work overtime. (eating performance like a troll)


    The logic of you events.

    If you look at any tutorial ( https://www.google.be/search?q=scirra+t ... animations ) regarding animations and platformers, they all use 'mirror'. You seem to have a animation for 'left' and 'right' which makes things to complicated. Just use 'mirror'.

    That use of 'wait' i can not recommencement at all.

    Lets run trough your event tick by tick. Starting at the moment 'R' is pressed. And assuming that it is not jumping. 'P1direction does not matter.

    Tick 1 ('R' is pressed)

    KondarAttack = 1

    That makes event 91 true.

    So it plays the animation from start.

    Wait 0.1 seconds is at a 60 FPS like 6 ticks.

    So, KondarAttack gets set to zero in about 6 ticks.

    Tick 2

    KondarAttack = still 1

    That makes event 91 true.

    So it plays the animation AGAIN from start. (start = frame zero)

    The wait has 5 ticks to go.

    Tick 3

    KondarAttack = still 1

    That makes event 91 true.

    So it plays the animation AGAIN from start. (start = frame zero)

    The wait has 4 ticks to go.

    Tick 4

    KondarAttack = still 1

    That makes event 91 true.

    So it plays the animation AGAIN from start. (start = frame zero)

    The wait has 3 ticks to go.

    Tick 5

    KondarAttack = still 1

    That makes event 91 true.

    So it plays the animation AGAIN from start. (start = frame zero)

    The wait has 2 ticks to go.

    Tick 6

    KondarAttack = still 1

    That makes event 91 true.

    So it plays the animation AGAIN from start. (start = frame zero)

    The wait has 1 ticks to go.

    Tick 7

    KondarAttack = still 1

    That makes event 91 true.

    So it plays the animation AGAIN from start. (start = frame zero)

    The wait has 0 ticks to go.

    Tick 7

    Finaly KondarAttack = 0

    That makes event 91 untrue.

    So there is no animation started

    It might work if you lose the "wait' and if you lose the 'start animation from beginning'. But you can not expand this logic anymore. So pwetty plz, look at the tutorials that handle platform and animations. (i linked you a lot of them)

    Have also this in mind. A new animation gets played when 1/ the new animation is not all ready playing or 2/ the current playing is the same as then new animation, but is at its last frame. So never loop animations if you plan to change them.

    My little 2 pennys.

  • I just included a sheet (for something totally different, in a sub event. It seems to include anyway, condition true or not.

  • Included event sheet acts as its events are in the base sheet.

    You gots to have some logic flaw.

    Maybe you have the 'Ajax on unique tag load completed' as a sub in the function ?

    Or you forgot to reset the parameter in 'if parameter equals 1', so it keeps calling the function until 'load is completed'. Actual executing the 'load' several times in a row ?

  • On collission

    sprite > pick top most

  • Sales figures/

  • 4. The global 'Dash' is zero (until it hits a fire), as a result there is a FakeDash created every tick.

  • HessamoddinS

    I beleive that this is what you want to do.

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/2bxe5qcl3v8oq ... .capx?dl=0

    Runs like a slow poke in the debugger.

    Runs at 118 FPS on my laptop, outside the debugger.

    I like the idea of using a dictionary to keep the amount of lines as low as possible.

    But, then you gots to use the the dictonary's feature to not allow the same key twice. Look at how i solved that.

    Have fun.

    Edit: AllanR, did not see your last capx yet. Had this topic open while coding, so topic was not refreshed when posting this¨.

  • If you intend to keep the array at the current size. And, if full means that every slot has at least 1 item. Then the array is not full when ...

    arr_Inventory.at(5,1) is equal to zero

    I suppose you clear 'items with a zero amount' from the array.

    Else. If a zero amount of an item is allowed, you better go for a different 'nothing is there' annotation.

    I would go for the empty string "". I would fill the whole array on start up with "". And if i make an empty slot later, i would fill that index with "". This way 'zero' does not mean empty, but an empty amount. Now the array is not full when ....

    arr_Inventory.at(5,1) is equal to ""

  • Here's the xml file in question, can someone help me identify the problem, so that I can open my project? - https://www.dropbox.com/s/ptn26cg89a6hn ... t.xml?dl=0

    That might have been a XML once, it is not anymore.

    It looks corrupt or encrypted.

  • lauwise

    The tilemap plugin is made for that. This has more then 5000 tiles.

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/h1j3wjhbzyv4r ... .capx?dl=0

  • Aergo

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/wdh5b4gcm3xsg ... .capx?dl=0

    Crosshair is on non parallax.

    Game is on parallax.

  • Touch.AbsoluteX is the same as Touch.AbsoluteXAt(0).

    Touch.AbsoluteX just does not take an index as parameter, and is always about index zero. (index in the list of touches)

    Since 'Absolute' (in this case) means position on the canvas, with x=zero and y=zero at left-up your SCREEN, it can not take the "layer" as parameter.

    TouchID is an expression (a number) that identificates roughly a 'gesture'.

    If you use 'on any touch', that expression holds a number corresponding with all the touches that are on that moment on screen. So, everywhere you see 'id' like in 'Touch.AbsoluteYForID(ID)' .... that ID is a number retrieved and stored with the TouchID expression.

    I think that most people get the x/y coordinates from a HUD layer with no parallax when they want absolute x/y coordinates. After all thats kinda the same.

    Now, wherever you see 'Get ..... coordinate in the layout (with x=zero and y=zero at the zero points in the layout) you can specify a "layer" in the parameters. And this absolutely necessary.

    Consider this example:

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/bxnfx9snt60j9 ... .capx?dl=0

    I have a rotating layer with parallax. When i fire bullets at touch.x,touch.y (layout coordinates) ... then the bullets are not going direction the touch position. That is because the layer with the turrets is (with its own coordinates) moving inside the layout.

    To fix this, we need the layout parameter.

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/gn013jr7lwvki ... .capx?dl=0

    Surely hope i helped you some.

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  • Just use 'TAB' + left click. It cycles.

  • Ty 4 the experiments.