99Instances2Go's Forum Posts

  • Be so nice to set the video to 'public' ?

  • Set a position does not rotate things.

    Could it be that you want it to rotate (compared to the world) but not relative to the enemie ?

    Set its angle to enemies.angle, every tick.

  • Do you have it pinned somewhere (in a forgotten) event ?

  • What is the angle for that sprite ?

  • Well, to be honest, i think that platform should not be allowed to attach to a tilemap.

    Sorry 2 have another opinion.

  • Try this.

    Add keyboard.

    On key pressed (choose a key)

    ______ Action > Local Storage > Clear storage

    Keep that event as long as you are developing the game.

    Now. Run the game. Press the key. Quit browser. Try again.

    Tell me if it works fine now.

    Do this every time that you 'messed' with the local storage. Or when you want the game to start with a fresh local storage during development.

    Hope this helped.

  • Build in Physics can not handle changes in the collision polygon.

    It is known, and reported several times, but, i guess, flagged a "wont fix'.

    Basically Physics creates a new object every time the collision polygon is changing, and therefor runs out of memory. For a tilemap, i gamble that it creates a physics object for each tile.

    Look here for suggestions, Rojohound suggested a work arround, but also his plugin does not have that problem.

  • About the Why, you have to ask the Creator.

    I have no idea. Besides that dynamic collision polygons the size of a dynamic tilemap is a No Go.

    Pin works, as long as you do not try to rotate the tilemap. So you could pin it to a Sprite (as a face).

    But i guess, that is not helping you, you intend to animate the collision polygon.

    If that is the case, you gonna lock up the object inside solids, using a sprite or a tilemap, dont matter.

  • It's almost certainly to do with your particular third party plugins. That is why nobody else is reporting it.........

    I had a hard time figuring out which plugins caused that error.

    One by One, Try and Error, and i had 4 of them causing the problem.

    C2 does not give any indication about what plugin is the problem.

    They had in common that they are old (probably forgotten), also they all are 'faceless'.

    Of course it is not happening with a fresh install. Do you really want me to find & download & install all 3th party plugins again ?

    On the good side, none of Rexrainbow plugins are a problem, none of BackendFreak's plugins have a problem. And is why i did not report it, it was a good thing after all, cleaning my plugin mess.

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  • Ahhh, wel now i am up to date eh.

  • Well the moving things in that case should be a separate event to allow it to run every tick.

    On button clicked

    ____Sub .. Button > Is Boolean instance variable set ... 'Switch'

    __________action .. Button > Set Boolean ... 'Switch' to false


    __________action .. Button > Set Boolean ... 'Switch' to true

    Thing is on the floor

    ___ Sub Is Boolean instance variable set ... 'Switch'

    ______________Simulate left.


    ______________Simulate right.

    But, i dont understand how you make that into an infinite runner.

    An infinite runner stays on its position on screen, everything else is moving. No ?

    That is the reason why i had it in 1 event.

  • 5+12+2 = 19 .... stands for 100

    B = 5 = (100/19) * 5 = 26.31%

    C =12 = (100/19) * 12 = 63.15%

    D= 2 = (100/19) * 2 = 10.52 %

    26.31% + 63.15% + 10.52 % = 100%

    But, as soon B is higher then 26.31% it can not add to the total amount no more


    AMax = 19

    MiniB = 5

    MiniC = 12

    MiniD = 2

    B = current value for B

    C = current value for C

    D = current value for D

    MaxB = ( (100/AMax ) * ( min(MiniB, B ))

    MaxC = ( (100/AMax ) * ( min(MiniC, C ))

    MaxD = ( (100/AMax ) * ( min(MiniD, D ))


    A = MaxB + MaxC + MaxD


    5+12+2 = 19 .... stands for 100

    How many % is 12+8+1?


    AMax = 19

    MiniB = 5

    MiniC = 12

    MiniD = 2

    B = 12

    C = 8

    D = 1

    min(MiniB, B ) = 5

    min(MiniC, C ) = 8

    min(MiniD, D ) = 1

    MaxB = ( (100/19) * ( 5 ))

    MaxC = ( (100/19) * ( 8 ))

    MaxD = ( (100/19) * ( 1 ))

    A = ( (100/19) * ( 5 )) + ( (100/19) * ( 8 )) + ( (100/19) * ( 1 )) = 73.6842105263 %

    C = ( (100/19) * ( 12 )) - ( (100/19) * ( 8 )) = 21.0526315789% short

    D = ( (100/19) * ( 2 )) - ( (100/19) * ( 1 )) = 5.26315789474% short

    73.6842105263% + 21.0526315789% + 5.26315789474% = 100% (with a floating point error)

  • : )

    On button clicked

    ____Sub .. Button > Is Boolean instance variable set ... 'Switch'

    __________action .. Button > Set Boolean ... 'Switch' to false

    __________All the other actions you need to switch direction


    __________action .. Button > Set Boolean ... 'Switch' to true

    __________All the other actions you need to switch direction

  • Bring the box in a container with the enemy.


    You only need 1 box in the layout, the others are auto created.

    Erase that last pick based on IID.

    Now your code will work (i think).

    About IID.

    IID is the index of an instance of an object in the Selected Objects List (picklist)

    That 'On collision' picks 1 Enemy, its IID is zero (its index in that picklist)

    There is no Box prepicked. So they are ALL in the picklist. Box with IID = zero is always the first one off all objects in that picklist.