99Instances2Go's Forum Posts

  • You can give more sprites (bundle them in a family if needed) the 'Scroll to' behaviour. The camera will centre on them.

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  • Based on the first selfie, this is what you try, or very close to.

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/a28b1xucic0op ... .capx?dl=0

    The second selfie makes no sense to me.

    About the While loop. The events run in a loop already. Use any other loop only if you want an iteration to happen inside 1 tick. If you update graphics in a loop, and therefor inside the time of 1 tick, you will never see them updating, besides there where the loop ended, because the drawing happens at the end of every tick. Hence the term 'Frame Depended'.

    About the 'and never lets go'. The text-box that you draw is 'in focus'. Meaning, it is stealing the mouse. A text-box is a form element. It does not live inside the canvas. It lives on top of the canvas in its own world. Basically canvas and form elements are different windows. If you have two windows on your desktop, the one that is in focus is getting keyboard and mouse changes. The other dont.

    Just disable the object, so it can not switch to 'in focus'.

  • Or bring all words into the array.

    Choose by ...

    Index = floor(random(0,array.width))

    word = array.at(index)

    use that action Array > Delete to delete the entry at x = Index to exclude it from the next random choice.

    When the array.width = zero, then all words are used.

  • It is a Form Element, it its not 'on a layer somewhere in the canvas'. It is a 'form on top of the canvas'.

    You want it into the canvas, then you got to make one out of sprites.

    Use a Tiled Background for the bar, easier.

    Plz check the manual for it.

  • It is Mouse.X - posX and Mouse.Y - posY. TextBox cant have a negative size.

    But i dont see a simple way to reset the Boolean in that flow.

    'On Button CLICKED' will steal a 'On Mouse button released'.

  • Give both objects an instance boolean 'GetTheHellOut', starting state = false

    When ENTER pressed and Hi true:

    * Play a sound

    * Disable the 2nd object's sine behavior

    * Set boolean 'GetTheHellOut' to true for both objects

    Is boolean 'GetTheHellOut' true (for that object)

    * Simulate object pressing down

    Is boolean 'GetTheHellOut' true (for that other object)

    * Simulate object pressing down

    Need some method now to destroy or stop them moving.

    You can also use 1 Global variable instead of an instance boolean. Same method.

  • The bullet behaviour is not set to bounce of solids, hence it runs trough them.

  • Well. The mistake is that you see it as a 'logical mistake'. It is not. And is way more simple then that.

    Lets read your event 12 as example. It states this.

    On the moment that there is a collision happening between any Family member (containing the bubbles) and any instance of Bubble, trigger this condition, and make a picklist containing that Family member and that instance of Bubbles.

    Keep in mind that, if you trigger a a collision check between X and Y, the mechanism that picks X will not include Y, and the mechanism that picks Y will not include X. Since you check between instances of the same object, the mechanism that picks X, starts with something holding X & Y (both collide, and they are instances of the same object). It is holding them in order of creation. So X is the one created before Y. Then it excludes Y, being the last one in that order. Or, X will always be the first created instance (when you trigger a collision check between instances of the same object)

    So, in your case. Family will always be the first created instance in the list of colliding instances, that means that Bubble will always be the one that is shooting. (it is created last).

    So the picklist made in that 'on collision' condition contains 1 Family member and 1 instance of Bubble and Bubble is always the shooting instance of the two.

    Any following conditions, and sub conditions will start picking from that and only from that picklist.

    So, then next condition picks from that (previous picked) picklist the Family member with stand = 1. Seems a bit weird, it will always be 1. But, you create the next bubble on its start position before the previous shooter bubble is gone from that start position. Hence they will also collide and trigger the 'on collision'. You prevent this with this construction of conditions. But that is not really elegant.

    The next 2 conditions pick from the previous picked picklist the Bubbles with Shooter = 0 and Fly = 1. Since Bubble in the previous picklist is always the flying Bubble, this should not be needed. Dont know why they are in place. Did you need to fix another unexpected collision ? When you re-position the bubble on its endpoint maybe ? You do not use solids. So when the collision happens, they are overlapping. Take them apart and that will probably trigger the collision check again.

    Now the actions in that event work ONLY and ONLY on the objects in the picklist.

    So, mainly, most conditions make a picklist, the parent condition makes the parent picklist, all other following sub conditions start picking from that parent picklist. The actions work on the objects in the picklist.

    But now that 'else'. Else is truly a logical condition. It will run when its parent condition(s) did not run. The parent condition will not run when it is UNTRUE. Untrue for pick conditions happen when the picklist is empty.

    Hope you see the point of it all.

  • Should work if you bring that condition "animation frame = 1" in event 13 above the 'pick nearest'.

    Currently you pick the nearest out of all points, then you check if it can be used. And it gets no second chance.

    Should be: Pick all that can be used and from those (filter) pick the nearest.

  • An objects Json string never includes the graphics.

  • https://www.dropbox.com/s/t5mv8o10zh4l3 ... .capx?dl=0

    Use the same trigger only once, and 'else' is essential.

  • Quoted :

    Just for my own understanding... (because I keep seeing this subject pop up and I never understand it)

    I am quite deep into my project,

    must be 600 events in total now,

    In game I am creating dozens of enemies and in subsequent events or sub events I am changing their instance variables, positions and pinning stuff to them etc at the point of creation. and as far as I can see everything is working well and smoothly. I have never ever needed to use wait 0 seconds for a anything, I don't even know why or when I would need to use it, it sounds like a hack, could someone enlighten me?