99Instances2Go's Forum Posts

  • Ofcours you need an example once in a while.

    When you say thinks like: 4- when you set a sprite variable in layout 1 you can not access to that in other layout

    Then i just have to prove you wrong.

    https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B1SSu ... kFtbWtzeHM

    Still dont want help ?

  • mahdi71 (better adres you, else GamesCorpStudio shoots at me)

    About your point 2-sheets. Yes you have to pick them. But picking one, combined with the use of a container is so easy.

    https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B1SSu ... XlJV2V5akU

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  • is said "I did't. Why ? Lets talk."

    Dont sound to me like i have a problem. Assuming that is English, maybe it should be "i did not".

    Sound to me as an invitation to talk about concrete solutions to concrete problems. To get arround one thing involved the 9patch?

    Yeah i know you cant set imagepoints on it. Yet. It is a nice object to scale backgrounds behind a simple ui.

    And thank you cinserely for that compliment. (calling it perfect) Very appreciated.

  • About point1, the ui.

    I wonderd if would build some ui from start, would i encouter the same problems ....

    https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B1SSu ... HNZWUtXSjg

    I did't. Why ? Lets talk.

  • I dont know the cordova plugin. But if it works as all read/write plugins do, then time is your problem.

    'on start of layout' runs its actions just once. After it ran once, it keeps its actions and sub conditions out of the following ticks.

    So, first of, that 'trigger once while true' (unless its embeddded in a loop) has no meaning. After one time working, it will not see one tick again.

    Secondly. I suppose the 'cordova-plugin-game___login, tag "log"' will log in the user. When you tested this at home, it probaly took almost no time to complete. So the 'c-p-g is logged in' got triggerd in time and picked it up. But this does take time. Also 'get user image' takes time.

    Every time you use a 'store' or 'read' condition. That reading and storing will take time. Thats why they all have a 'on completed' or a 'on succes' condition. But if you keep those in the 'on start of layout' they will not be checked in the following ticks.

    Just bring them out of the 'on start of layout'. Make them root events. Then they check every tick if there is a succes story to tell. And if so, they run there actions.

  • Make an instance variable on that armor. Subtract from it when it gets hit.

  • I see you teach.

    How about an article on students who ask the forum to make theire project, to meet the deadline ?

  • I have question, if that is ok.

    I read 'fps style'. fp.. stands for first person ....

    Meaning the camera should (since its 2D) be on the players position and look in the direction that the player is looking ?

  • Because the tower is probaly 'unreferenced'.


    Functions start picking from scratch. Meaning, the tower is not picked. When no tower is picked, the actions run on all towers.

    2 solutions.

    1/ If the tower has a turret behaviour, then use the 'on shoot' trigger. It is meant for this.

    2/ More generaly. If you picked an object and want to call a function with actions that work for that object. Then add the expression object.UID as a parameter to the function call. And in the 'on function' you use the condition 'pick by UID' with UID= object.function.param(n).

  • Yes, a capx would help everyone.

    At the moment still 3 posibilities open.

    1/ The buggy insects are solids and you have the behaviour set to avoid solids.

    2/ The buggy insects are not solids, but there are solids in play, and cellsize & -border are set so it does not get past them.

    3/ You call the pathfindig to much/to fast. It takes time to find a path. If you call it to fast again, it will not finish, but start over. Over and over again. Without ever having the time to find a solution.

  • > Couldn't you just create a family and put all the objects you want in them, then give it instance variables to record their x/y positions and compare them each frame and do any corrections if necessary?

    > So you'd shift them at the end of the events, and then restore their positions at the beginning of the events.

    > Idk.. just an idea i had.

    > But yeah, I only make low-res pixel games, so this sort of thing would be important to solve, as well as any other jitter related issues.


    Thats 1 solution in a nut shell, but can be performance costly doing that via events depending on the type of game you are making.

    Naw, takes 1 event.

    Make a family containing all moving objects.

    Loop through them with a 'for each'

    Set x to x + (x%2)

    Set y to y + (y%2)

    Dunno about the inpact on performance. But i expect it to draw quicker because the n^2 rule.

  • Naw, takes 1 event.

    Make a family containing all moving objects.

    Loop through them with a 'for each'

    Set x to x + (x%2)

    Set y to y + (y%2)

    Dunno about the inpact on performance. But i expect it to draw quicker because the n^2 rule.

  • There 1 (in fact only one) page in the manual that you have to read to understand 90% of C2.

    This one:


    Have fun coding.

  • Ok, so you do ....

    On (circle) collision with (block)

    Take the value of an instance variable of block ....

    use it to set the color of the circle

    In 1 event

    And the circle is moved by physics


    Edit: oh no prob.

  • Pixel's option is a good 'general' solution too. But first you gots to learn eh ? : )

    See it like this. I am supposed to tip you gentle on the nose. But, on the moment that i tip, i animate my finger with out moving my hand. In no time, i make my finger 3 times longer. Where is my finger then? This kind of animations cant be handled in a physics world. Platform is a physics world.