99Instances2Go's Forum Posts

  • idle animation starts this way ...

    System > compare two values .. sprite.platform.speed = 0

    System > trigger once while true

    start animation "idle".

    Jump is 'on jump'. That is a trigger. Means, it is only 1 tick true, it does not need a 'trigger once while true'

    Sprite > platform > on jump

    start animation "jump"

    Left .. you do easy like this ....

    System > compare two values .. sprite.platform.vectory < 0

    is on platform

    System > trigger once while true

    start animation "left".

    Falling ...

    Is falling

    once while true

    set animation "fall"


    System > compare two values .. sprite.platform.VectorY < 0

    is on platform (inverted)

    System > trigger once while true

    start animation "fall".

    jumping ...

    System > compare two values .. sprite.platform.VectorY > 0

    is on platform (inverted)

    System > trigger once while true

    start animation "fly".

  • Is this what we talk about ?

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/zqhuotw5ag3by ... .capx?dl=0

  • And so many things i forgot, the moment an obstacle map is ready, when a path is ready, when all the load/save modules are ready ...... and so on .....

  • I never use wait (other then zero), you wanted an example and you did sound disparate. So i provide.

    Altaught this wait zero is very usefull, but i lost interrest to explain you why.

    I lost interrest to explain you how triggers work (would be a good example too), i lost interrest to explain you how timers work (would maybe be even a better example).

    I also could have explained you when objects actual are created, when they are pickable, would be an awsome example, but hey .....

  • The dummy object is the easy way. And it might be the best way.

    Althaught i almost never use it, it is more events, it is an object more to care for.

    I just make all the frames in every animation the same in size. Normaly, i do that when i make the graphics.

    But you can do this in Construct. Just find the biggest frame. Scale it to its size, (button in the ribbon), image = allign to center, check to do it for the whole animation. Do this (with this size) in every animation. If this gives problems as in the position of the animated thing gooing to slide, then a helper object will not help too.

    For the origin, set it once in some frame, right click it in the image points list, apply to all animations. It is best, when working with a platform, to set the origin at the bottom. But within the collision polygones.

    For the collission polygones. If they differ to much, the animation will animate the character into the solids. Result: the darn thing is stuck. With a helper object you have 1 collission polygone anywayz. So, you can as well set 1 collission polygone on all frames in each animation. Go to a frame that concerns you most, make the polygone. Richtclick the polygone (in image editor) set to all animations.

    If you need animated collission polygones, thats is possible. (not with a helper object). You just need a lot of frames in the animation. And animations that are up speed. You have to animate the polygones in a way that they are no more differend frame by frame by kinda 2 pixels. That should work.

    There is a polygine plugin:

    But i dont know if it is up to date, and i never used it myself.

  • You have to calculate the period.


    The duration, in seconds, of one complete back-and-forth cycle.

    Speed = distance / time

    So time (period) = speed * distance.

    Now distance is in fact the magnitude.

    The speed is a constant, thats is what you want, it is some value you choose.


    Set magnitude

    Set period to speed * magnitude

    What i dont know is kinda, when to do it. If you change it middle in the cycle, i suppose it will go weird.

    I suppose you have set a new cycle when the expression CyclePosition returns zero.

    I idid not test this, just writing whats in my head.

  • How many bullets will be bouncing ?

  • First thing that comes in my mind is the 'wait'. It does what it is designed to do, but i dont think it does what you expect it to do. (besides that i have no solution for you at this little moment)

    Lets say ... at 12h00 the player jumps. You delay the enemy with 2 seconds. The enemy jumps at 12h02.

    At 12h01 the player and the enemy are closer to each other. The player jumps. Enemy delays with 1 second. So at 12h02 de enemy jumps. Twice ? Nope.

  • I agree.

  • Some condition

    ---> wait 0 seconds

    ---> function 1

    another condition

    ---> function 2

    ----->function 3

    Now function 2 & 3 will execute b4 function 1.

  • There are no benefits. Other then that there will be no need 4 you 2 read the manual.

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  • Sorry 4 u, u did't read me. U r wrong.

    Ther is no 'list of instances', there is only a Selected Object List.

    In the rare case that you pick them all, you have something that you personal call a 'list of instances'.

    There is not such thing as 'my fish', relative to those in the sea, in that rarely case that i catch one, i can call it mine, yet there is a majority that is not.

    The IID is the index of an object in the Selected Object List. (SOL)


  • It is possible. Don't think this way is useful.

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/e7za6gh4c8l8i ... .capx?dl=0

    Both sprites have drag & drop.

  • Maybe you can elaborate on watcha wanna accomplish. Help can not be far away then. Anything is more easy than what you propose now. Say i want to run trough the instances ordered by X. I cant do that anymore without an IID that goes with that picklist.

    What newt says is a good solution, but in your case i suppose destroying an object makes a gap in the list that you don't like ? But UID's have gaps too.

  • Pick turret

    Pick its target by UID

    Pick new target using a family

    Unacquire target

    Acquire new target (or it might retarget the in acquired one)