7Soul's Forum Posts

  • I have a "wall" object that I want moving to the left at all times, and a "player" object that will be moving around. Both use the physics behavior, but I want that colliding with the wall doesn't move it as a result of the collision

    Setting the wall to immovable solves the collision problem, but makes it impossible to make it scroll to the left

  • Is the gif necessary to the gameplay? I say get rid of it

  • Yeah I never used rgb(r,g,b) I just use a little math calculation but I thought that would work :P

  • you can make a gray sprite and set the tint to rgb(random(255),random(255),random(255))

  • Is there a way to check if the game window has focus?

  • I think you are referring to loading tile frames, right? On CC you can use TiledBackground and load the image from an external file, and then position it. This is nice because you can have one image containing the entire tileset.

    But on C2 you will have to use sprites, where each frame is a tile, and then set the current frame via events. This can be a lot of work, since each frame holds only one tile

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  • Hi i'm 7Soul. I make games, or at least try to

    You may want to visit my DA: ails.deviantart.com

    Or my Youtube channel: youtube.com/user/Ails1234

    And this is the last game I made: ludumdare.com/compo/ludum-dare-22

    Looking forward for a more complete C2, until then, i'll be active in the CC boards, trying to help ppl

    Also, gimme my badge :3

  • The 'wait' has to come before the 'set text' I believe, and you should replace the 'for each' with 'for each element', an array-only expression

  • DeviantArt has a "scrap" gallery, for people just wanting to submit less important stuff/wip/sketches, a similar feature could be useful here

  • I second that, good idea

  • I didn't knew about the rgb(r,g,b) function, so I did a calculation for setting color: r + g*255 + b*65025

    Just throwing this in as extra info

  • I've tried making a game based on this concept a few months ago (video here:

    ) I may try something for this, the prizes are cool

  • I started using The Games Factory, then Multimedia Fusion and MMF2. I heard something about construct and downloaded it, but didn't work on my computer back then. A few years later i bought a new computer and one day I remembered trying Construct so I decided trying it again. And it worked! 3 days later I used it for Ludum Dare #19 and it was a success

  • If you need to ask this, than you shouldn't be making it. Make games you understand how to, or you either know the basics. From there, you will learn what you need to make more advanced and interesting games. You WILL find problems, and its ok to come here and ask how to fix them. What you shouldn't do is come here and ask such broad questions, like the other guy who asked "how do I make a MMO". There's no answer to this that will help you

  • That's what I was thinking about, but since I'm not using C2 yet, I didn't know if it had included event sheets in it already