Description basically sums up the issue I am currently having.
For my job at the moment I have been tasked with translating a game into a different language. To do this, I had to remake the dialogue system of the game. Here is a list of the things I did.
- Created JSON files for the translated dialogue. I used the array editor in engine to create a two dimensional array, the 0 X column of the array holding the english, and the 1 X column of the array holding the Chinese.
- Created an array object, when the level is loaded I used AJAX to load the array from the JSON file into the array.
- Here is where things got a bit tricky, the original game used a sprite font to display the text, I'm translating the game into Chinese, so sprite fonts won't work. Instead I have text variables that are childed to gameobjects. Each time new dialogue games up, I'm setting the text variable to the corresponding cell of the dialogue array. The text also moves with the text boxes since it's childed to it.
- Started implementing the text into the game, tested the game in preview mode, everything works as intended (for the most part, there are bugs here and there but it runs)
I've since tried to export a build to send to my bosses to show the work I have done, but each time I export and try to run the executable, it just comes up as a black screen. I've tried the following things
- Exported for windows 32 and 64
- Tried duplicating and not duplicating images
- Minify Mode off and simple
- Tried changing the first loaded layout
As far as I know I'm using the latest version of Construct.
Is there a way to see errors that arise while exporting? If I could see that I might be able to identify what the issue is.
Thanks :)