619_RM's Forum Posts

  • You are awesome . . . Thank you.......

    Of course it doesn't work - you didn't set array width to 0, you didn't insert new record to the end of the array, you didn't delete the last record when going back..

    See this fixed project:


  • You are awesome . . . Thank you.......

    Of course it doesn't work - you didn't set array width to 0, you didn't insert new record to the end of the array, you didn't delete the last record when going back..

    See this fixed project:


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  • Thanks, dop2000 I created the Array, Please check the c3p. The issue is

    [ Map: MenuLayout>OptionLayout>SubOptionLayout ]

    When the user at "SubOptionLayout" and click back It will lead to "OptionLayout" and then at "OptionLayout" when the user clicks back it again lead to the previous layout that is "SubOptionLayout". So whats happing here is The user is going forward and backwards between "OptionLayout" & "SubOptionLayout" on a loop. :(

    Recording a history is also not too difficult. Create an empty array with width=0. On end of any layout push a new record into the array with LayoutName.

    When you need to go back to previous layout, read last layout name from the array - Array.At(Array.width-1), then delete this index.

  • This is heaven! You guys are providing it for free? Thank you dop2000 & dazedangels. #Respect

  • Thank you tarek2 I appreciate what you have done, providing a capx is so nice of you. Sorry for not making it clear actually I tot it might be worked but you are right for my setup it needs a full history back button.

    > Thank you for your input. Your Layout seems chronological

    > > 619_RM try this one see if it helps

    > >

    > >

    > > https://www.dropbox.com/s/yz0nx7dthyes1s3/go%20back%20previous%20layout.capx?dl=0

    When you press buttons to go directly to the Levels yes is chronological just for simplicity but you are not interested in that, if you look again you are only interested in Event (4 & 6) I deliberately left it not chronological so you can implement it easily with your events, it's just two lines of code sudden be hard.

    I think probably you are looking for something else perhaps a full history? and not just the last layout you visited

  • It worked. Thank you dop2000. One question!

    In my setup there one thing which I missed, if someone goes to MenuLayout>OptionLayout>SubOptionLayout, then he clicks the back button at "SubOptionLayout" he redirects to "OptionsLayout" then if he clicks to the back button again he goes back SubOptionLayout".

    This may be the reason why Constcut doesn't have a back button (history) natively. Is there any workaround or it is better to place a separate back button on each layout?

    Save layout name into the global variable in "On end of layout" event.

  • Thank you for your input. Your Layout seems chronological

    619_RM try this one see if it helps


  • I dug into the community I found

    LittleStain "Simple way would be creating a global variable LastLayout and before the action to change layout use an action to set LastLayout to the current Layout. In the new layout : On button touched go to layout : LastLayout"

    Tired the same but alas not working maybe because I have many layouts having different names not in sequential order, like "ABCLayoutTrue", "HelpLayoutOptional".... some random names.

    Begeegee has given a capx which what I was looking for but, it does not work on my setup.

    Please help.


  • Begeegee Please help me I cant make it work.

    Put this CAPX together real quick. It's just a simple project with 4 layouts (3 regular layouts and an Inventory layout). The 3 regular layouts share a single event sheet - note: you don't NEED to do this, as they can still have their own sheets and work. Inventory layout has its own inventory sheet.

    "On Start of Layout", as suggested by Equinox80, the layout name is stored in a global variable called Last_Layout. I've made it a text variable, and one easy way to do it would be to simply use the system expression "LayoutName" to automatically set the variable to the name of the current layout.

    In the Inventory Sheet, when the Back button is pressed, I simply use "Go to layout (by name)" and type in the "Last_Layout" variable.

    Remembering Last Layout CAPX

    Hope this is what you're looking for!

  • Thank you dop2000

    Whenever play collides with the portal it starts again with the same layout.

    I do have a doubt on "left(Target_door_GlobalV, len(Target_door_GlobalV)-1)"

    what are left and len? what thing I should have to change for my platformer?

    Please help.

    See this post:


    I made a demo:


  • I can simply teleport Object to the same layout but how can I achieve this on a different layout? For a bonus game? and come back to the same location?

    Please guide me the simple way. Thank you.


  • System On load failed : go to stage 1

    OMG! Didn't think it can be pulled on a single line, thank you as always.

    Could you please help me with this?


  • Hey thanks, this is what I was looking for but with a different layout. Please help.

    Like this ?

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/dql04t0ylz9zl ... .capx?dl=0

    Watch out with things like that second event. It can not overlap door 1 AND door 2 at the same time, so that can never be true. And it can not (visual) jump to the 2 places, only the last set position you will see happen.

  • I have a loading layout (First layout), I want it to jump directly to the "Users Last Saved Location" but if the save file is not available (for the first time user) it should go to the Stage 1. How can I achieve this? Please help.

    Please refer to the image attached bellow I know my "else" statement implementation was logically nonsensical, actually never used this statement before.

  • I'm not really sure it works but, what I meant is you make the collision mask of the platform object only 1 pixel in height

    Please Help me on this
