5P4RK3Yza's Forum Posts

  • 9 posts
  • Hmmm, Okay, I will just figure out a different way of creating the same effect. Thanks very much.

  • Hi All,

    I am having trouble with some slider form controls that are been rendered above my top most layer?

    The sliders are on layer 3, the "Fade Layer" is on the 5th layer, and when the screen fade's in, or fade's out, these are the only objects been rendered above the "fade layer", the rest of the screen elements (and those on the other layouts) all seem to work perfectly, except for the form controls?

    Does anyone know if there is a way around this problem?

    Thanks in advance.

  • Haha... Cool, Thanks. Much appreciated.

  • Hi All,

    I wanted to know if it was at all possible to call to a standalone event sheet without leaving the one you are currently in, for instance, if I am playing a game, and the game is "making calls" to a separate "calculation engine" event sheet, while still running all functionality from the current layouts event sheet? It logically seems like a cleaner way to work right? Instead of having one massive event sheet churning through everything?

    I am not sure if that makes sense? or if I've lost the plot again?

    Either way, any insight or references I could be pointed to would be greatly appreciated,


  • Hi there,

    I think you need to tell us what the actual problem is, or where you're getting stuck with Local Storage in order for someone to be able to help. <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":-)" title="Smile">

    Could you please elaborate a bit on the problem you are having? Or maybe upload your .capx file for viewing, or you can go here.


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  • Hi there,

    the angle is not random, you are trying to assign a linear value to an angle. to see what I mean, put a text object next to your player

    Now in a tick event, set the text value to mouse.absoluteX, then move your mouse left and right (on the X axis)...

    that value is the value you are trying to feed into your layout angle, as you can see, moving your mouse to X position 3600px for instance will spin your layout around 10times. (And land up at "a random angle") This is the only reason why you are seeing this "jump", because the update only happens when you right click.

    (Try take the first action in Event 25 (Set layout_angle to Mouse.AbsoluteX) and move it into a system tick event and move your mouse left and right to see what I mean.

    Now saying that, I think the mouse lock plugin you mentioned should be able to give you a pixel difference between a zero point (wherever the mouse is when you pressed the right button) and the current position of the mouse once moved. My guess is that you should be able to use this difference to emulate the keyboard rotations (Add rotSpeed*dt to layout_angle)

    For what it's worth, I don't think this is the best implementation of rotating the world around the character, as you'd probably not be able to use a UI with this "effect" (it'll be spinning around with the Layout... good luck with reading your score... (or you'd land up creating more overhead for your processor by trying to set UI elements the same way you set the player on Every tick to rotate "up")

    Also the player becomes rather glitchy when holding down the right mouse button, running forward, and trying to rotate with the keyboard. ( A good indication that this isn't the right way of implementing your idea...

    There is a saying... "There are many ways to skin a cat" I think it applies here... Try a different approach to doing the same thing. (Like emulating the keyboard movements (And I'm not saying that it is the right way, in fact it's probably not, but it might be ), or maybe rotating other objects, or layers, or something... just try some creative thinking around your problem.)

    Let me know if this points you out of the wrong direction...

    PS. Just try and emulate what you are already doing with the keyboard A + D keys onto your mouse as a start, or as an alternate solution, check out performance etc... who knows, there is probably a better way than that too

  • I think that you'd need to have something to parse it between xml and an excel spreadsheet format. I know that Construct has an read-only xml plugin found under the Data & storage when inserting a new object, I think if you're really dead set on using an excel spread sheet then that would probably be the best place to start I reckon. And I think (might be mistaken), you should also be able to save to XML format from Excel, not too sure as I don't have excel. But check it out, hope that can help somehow.

  • Hi there,

    I am wondering if audio is affected by parallax at all?

    So if I have a listener on a 0,0 parallax layer (Layer1) (and set to the window center, on a sprite object (for visual debugging purposes) )

    and If a sound is playing on an object (on a separate 100,100 parallax layer (Layer2)) which passes the screen left to right, the effect would be heard left to right, however because my layout is 5000px wide, I have made my mouse wheel scroll left and right, which obviously keeps my listener in the screen center on a 0,0 parallax, so although it's in a static visual place on my screen (the sprite with an attached listener to it)) the audio data does not seem to be affected/reflected by this change in listener position in relation to the object making the sound.

    So, as initially stated, is audio affected by parallax, or have I done something wrong that I would need to try figure out?

    If no... bit of creative thinking for a workaround

    If yes... Any suggestions on potential reasons why it's not working?


  • Hi I'm Nicholas,

    Decided to make games, Construct 2 seemed the best option, and I'm still happy with my decision.

    Looking forward to releasing a couple games soon.

    I guess I like old school game-play, with updated concepts and ideas.

  • 9 posts