3division's Forum Posts

  • I don?t know who is going to evolve faster, C2 is a really straight forward tool to learn. With a few months of practice you can almost build any 2d game out there.

    But I agree on the complexity. Right now is not that polished, I mean, not the engine, but the hole pipeline itself from the idea to the phone. So you have to stick to small games in order to get some results.

    I hope we have something more solid to work with by the end of this year.

  • Awesome!! thanks, we couldn?t test it on that device. good news.

  • NewSkool

    Try to test it on Sony Xperia and at least one Motorola like the Atrix for example, those are at the same level more or less than galaxy II or III.

    But I think you?ll find surprised when in Sony, a CocoonJS-Construct game takes 5 minutes to load.

    Pretty disappointing.

    So yeah it?s a great technology and tools evolving very fast and in a near future will be quite amazing to use.

    But today, for mi is not working. Just my honest opinion.

    But I have faith and wait for new updates as a child!.

  • I don?t think its the worst. I think its in a process of polishing and is not quite ready yet. But they are all working on making this thing possible in a near future. I manage to publish my game but still as you all pointed out here, with a lot of lag and freezes and its all because of how construct and CocoonJS manage the html5. But as we move forward to better devices and both Scirra and Ludei work together in improving their tools we will soon have an engine ready for mobile publishing that makes the hole process of making a 2D game a lot more fun and straight forward than any other 2d engine out there.

  • Hi, the Manifest issue I solved it using "APK tool", a DOS tool that de-compiles cocoonjS apk in a folder, there you can edit the manifest.xml and limit the screens you want to support and the permissions you�re gonna ask to the user. Then with the same tool you re-build the APK, re-sign and re-align.



    You�re ready to go.

    I hope I helped you!. Merry christmas and a happy Worlds end!

  • Try Construct 3

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  • In construct you can use latter-box scale or integer scale they both work, but apparently get overwritten by CocoonJS cloud compilation system. When you set the specs of your project set it as "scale to Fill". And if you work in an average screen proportion it will automatically fit all those screens. I also put a security black bar of 50 pixels all around 800x480 construct canvas. This prevents minor pixel differences between screens.

    Best luck!

  • Plese Rate us!

  • Great!, yeah it kind of works great on 720p hd devices like galaxy tab, SII, SIII and others of the kind. The problem I had is that CocoonJS does n �t allow us to edit the manifest yet so we can�t limit the availability of the game to a certain type of devices. It all runs in Auto pilot. Also, you can�t edit the permissions that the game asks from users, forcing you to rate the game "mature". Which is kind of a problem for a casual game.

    Thanks for the comment. I�m glad you liked it!

  • Hi! I was looking for something like this and found this post.

    What I would like to build is something like this example but that saves the items with name and value to a list on disk so you can call it back in other layout and combine items /use in other object. I don?t know if this can be done all using global variables or is it something else.

  • Can you tell me the model of your device?. thanks.

  • Yeah, I tried that with less than NO faith and it worked perfect. What can I tell you?. Not very intuitive, but works!.


  • I don?t know what I?m doing wrong here. I set sprite01 with an 8 direction behavior.

    On the settings I choose, 8 directions, 360 degrees and default control NO.

    Then, on click on another sprite (sprite02), and then I simulate control on Sprite01, but there is only 4 possible directions up, down, left, and right.

    How can I make diagonals work?.


  • I wouldn?t like to rely on any plugins because the idea is to make the game for tablets, and all the actual compilers like cocoonjs or appmobi already have a lot less of functionality than C2.

    I feel trapped in this one. I bought the license of C2 to make this game for tablets because I was already working on it in C.Classic, but in C2 I don?t have the basic needed behaviors and I don?t know how to replicate them.


  • It would be great to have some kind of support for cut-scenes.

    There is a lot of ways to do this.

    From video loading (off-line and on-line) to some kind of vector interpolated animation or flash support.

    Its incredible painful to perform this kind of task today. You have to actually program all the movements, camera movements objects reactions sounds, etc, with the art game and it will never look as good as if were done in after effects or flash. It is simply not a tool for that.

    It would be great if someone thinks of a plugin to deal with this kind of task.

  • I just noticed that the old and great RTS behavior is not there in C2, how can I make a similar movement. I prototyping a point and click adventure game and the character has to automatically walk through obstacles and go where I just clicked.

    Is there a work around for this on C2? Thanks