1146Ullman's Forum Posts

  • 6 posts
  • Having a bit of trouble with one thing regarding the combat in the tutorial, I've managed to use the "same" combat system as in the tutorial except I kill my enemies with a sword instead of jumping onto them, but my problem is this:

    Once an enemy gets killed every other enemy (same kind difference instances) gets killed at the same time

    Any ideas to why this happens? When I run the Combat tutorial in debug mode only once instance of the enemy gets killed, I've been over the tutorial like a hawk but don't seem to exactly find where the problem might be. I'm using a spawn point, enemyBox which has the Platform behavior and another enemySprite that follows the enemyBox (as in the tut).

    Still using Construct 0.99.84 (unstable) (don't think updating to the latest will fix my problem).

  • Good to know

  • If desperate to cheat probably yes.

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  • Don't know if this is the correct thread to be posting this in but anyway. The game I'm working on utilizes python scripting and for some odd reason when I have added a binary file to one of my Layouts the game suddenly stops working in the means of stuff in my python code doesn't work.

    For instance I get the File "<string>", line xxxx def Get cursor position(self): SyntaxError: invalid syntax

    and: Traceback (most recent call last): File "<string>", line 2, in <module> NameError: name "Sword" is not defined.

    The "Sword" is a sprite. But when I remove the binary file object that I added to one of the layouts the problem goes away? Is this a bug I should report or is it known to happen that way?



    I'm using Construct v0.99.84 (unstable)

    Python version 2.6.5

  • I really don't want to step on anyones toes here but it is fairly easy to "crack" the crc32 hash thingy, all you need is some program that can generate/show the CRC32 code for you, based on the file you clicked/marked.

    This is how I managed to do it:

    First you could put the file in a rar archive and open it to check that the CRC value is the same as in the hash.ini file, then go on and edit the score.ini file with the values you want and then put the edited file in a new rar archive and open it to look at the CRC it has now. Write that CRC code in the hash.ini file and you sucessfuly managed to change the high scores or whatever.

    The point I want to make is it would be "safer" to use a binary file to store your scores and what not, that you don't want people to mess with. Sure the binary files are also reverse-engineerable but not with a simple texteditor. I guess you could still use the CRC32 checking but store the hash value in the binary file instead for less easy reading.

    But kudos to Minor for doing this, I accedently got to this part of the forum when I searched on how to read/write from ini files.

    My guess is that this is probably achievable through the same way with MD5 hashes if they are put out in clear text that is (MD5 hash in one file and the score in the other as Minor demonstrated in his example).


  • I also want to thank deadeye for the tuts, although I noticed thet charlie (the character in the tutorials) don't turn around when pressing the left arrow but I did how ever manage to fix that.

    The first thing I tried was to change the Auto flip property for the character but that didn't seem to do it so I went in the event sheet editor for the animation and noticed that the Pleyer 1 "Move Right" is down was written like this

    Player %1 "Move Right" is down

    Once I re-opened the event and saved it again (no editing) the % sign dissapeared and now charlie turns/flips around like he was supposed to.

    Oh and I'm using the 0.99.84 (unstable) version of Construct.


  • 6 posts