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  • We have 2016 and it's still not implemented.

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  • Tested again using newest XDK and c2-v200.

    Bug is still there.

    • (AltGr) + (Q)
    • (Strg) + (Alt) + (Q)

    Both correctly working using Austrian keyboard layout.

  • CAPX file

    --> attachments

    Problem Description

    All the input objects, e.g. buttons, are not working correctly on the mobile version of Intel XDK, neither in the app preview or in a compiled app.

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Create a construct2 project containing some input objects
    • Export to Cordova
    • Import in Intel XDK
    • Compile it or just test it using the preview app

    Observed Result

    In the PC's web browser it's working correctly - the same thing happens in the XDK's emulator.

    But the bug happens in the mobile version.

    The input objects are not shown in any form, styling them using CSS does not help either.

    But there are two strange things:

    First, the object exists (Android's keyboard-emulator is loaded, USB keyboard is also working) and you can enter text, but you do not see anything, except ...

    The second thing is that the cursor is still there, and through the display magnifier, that is always shown when moving the cursor, you can see the input-objects (but the pages background-color is black instead of white).

    Expected Result

    The input should work correctly like in the web browser.

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: (NO)
    • FireFox: (NO)
    • Internet Explorer: (NO)

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Windows 8.1 Pro Update 1 (December 2014 image, so-called Update 3) 64 bit

    Android 4.3 Jelly-Bean (Sony-Build)

    Construct 2 Version ID

    R195 (x86)

    Additional Notes

    Maybe this bug is not caused by Construct 2, but in this case someone could think about a workaround.

    This is working correctly, when I add it to the HTML code: <input type="text" />

  • 4 posts