0plus1's Forum Posts

  • Thanks for the reply Ashley, yes the game renders in webGL, in the end it was the physics that were creating problems, I currently can get around 60fps with almost a thousand objects on screen, but my computer is a beast.

    My iPhone is still ios4 because if I'll be able to get it to run on my iPhone it's fair to say that it'll run better on ios5, I know that it lacks in performance, but I don't think it's a good idea to target only ios5 (although possible).

    The minified scripts can be reverse engineered (http://jsbeautifier.org/) but I agree that can be said also for flash.

    I understand what you are saying about html5 and while I don't agree I respect you belief in it, the problem is that currently the "hot" trend in games are mobile apps and without proper support you risk losing a big market share to inferior products.

    I mantain that construct2 is the best game maker ever made and I'll never stop using it (if ever only for prototyping), the day I'll be able to publish game on the app store with it I'll be the happiest man.

  • I switched from physics to custom behaviour as they where slowing down my game with no real benefit.

    I still want them to push each other when in collision and I know about push, but what is better performance wise, to have the action on every thick (which is extremely convenient) or programming each collision by themself?

    Also it behaves strangely the push, is there any way to have something similar to the physics interactions?


  • lucid Currently I work as a web developer (not designer) and I've been doing it for 6 years now. When html5 and css3 were announced I was excited, I made tons of proof of concepts, but after a while the reality started to sink in: it was internet explorer 6 all over again. Too many discrepancy between browsers (which still remain now, just take a look at the changelog of construct and how many bug fixes specifically to a platform are there). Also html5 is not a standard yet (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTML5#Standardization_process) and the more time passes, the more the situation worries me. I think that html5 is perfect for video (vimeo) and audio (grooveshark) and to some extent some interesting web interfaces (which will be limited like the fancy flash one are) but games? Mmmh I'm not so sure.

    Even (and it is a big even) if we'll be able to get a stable platform (performance and compatibility wise) which I doubt as javascript is interpreted and thus inherently slow, the assets problem still remains.

    You invested time and money to develop a game, you hired a musician and an artist to make your music and graphics, do you really want someone to steal your assets?

    Again I don't want to offend anyone, I'm just stating my opinions because as I said believe in construct and I really really want it to succeed.

  • Ok so that's it you upload there and you're done, no need for email to the admins or forum posts?

  • Hello,

    I want to speak my mind about something. I follow your products since construct classic and I have to say that you make the best game maker with the worst choice of technology (directx then, html5 now).

    I'm making a game for the rotary competition, while making an iOS and android version, trying in the process every single library and "game maker" out there (impact/lime, gamesalad, stencyl, game maker and corona).

    Apart from several issues that in my opinion keep costruct2 from being a professional tool (debug tools, if conditions inside events and reusable functions with object referencing would really make a difference) I can safely say that construct2 is bar none the best "Game maker" out there, it's intuitive, extremely powerful and has incredible features that here are taken from granted but that are hard to "code" in other solution (pushing towards other objects, pinnning, layer rotation and coordinates relative to the screen as opposed to the sprite comes to mind). Sadly html5 is a joke and I'm sorry to say this.

    No other "game maker" or even library (impact/limejs) has the same performance as construct2 for this I can vouch, you guys are light ahead performance wise, but still.. the game I'm making for the rotary competition has been stripped of almost everything effect wise I had in mind at the beginning because my pc (that can run crysis in ultra) couldn't get past the 30fps mark with incredible lag spikes. The same exact game in corona runs at 60fps on an iphone4 with physics and particles (as opposed to custom movement behaviour in construct).

    If I try to run the same game on an iphone it never gets past 2fps, to be honest I've yet to find even a simple example of those included that can run at more than 20fps, but this is not your fault it's html5 which is a joke. Not only this, but with html5 I can steal the entire content of a game with a couple of clicks, exposing code and especially assets that can be recycled in other games (and then good luck in court).

    Meanwhile INFERIOR products like stencyl or even gamesalad (which is the most limited piece of software I've ever seen) gets loads of subscribers simply because they have an iOS exporter, while charging obscene amounts of money for their licences.

    The way I see it the future of casual gaming is in the mobile market be it android or iOS and in cross platform development for indie games (just take a look at all the indie bundles) but absolutely not html5 that it's looking more and more like a passing fad in my opinion, too many ideas that drift away, too many different way of handling things across browsers too many issues, granted it may be that in the next year things will stabilize and html5 will be the best thing ever but I'm having an hard time believing this and even if it'll be the case construct2's competitors will have the upper hand by offering mobile support.

    The way I see it you are standing literally on a gold mine, you have the best tools I've ever seen and Ashley really knows what he's doing under the hood, you should just consider creating other exporters.

    The solution is not appmobi (which by the way is better than nothing) that is another hack on top of an hackish technology but a real iOS and/or Android exporter which, not only me, but a large portion of your users would be more than glad to pay for. If this is not possible (I understand that it's not an easy job) at least make an exe exporter like construct classic, not directX but SDL/openGL to allow for multiplatform development: you'll gain thousand of subscribers.

    You have the best community, the best documentation on top of the best tool, what are you waiting for?

    I hope I haven't offended anyone and I would like yours and the community honest opinion if I spent so much time writing this is because I believe in you and I want you to succeed with all my heart.


  • In the blog it's not clear, how do we submit the finished games? To the arcade directly? Do we need to state that it's for the contest?

  • I want to chime in and say that if you guys manage to make appmobi work completely (directCanvas and directBox2d) plus all other cool feature like access to camera, compass, notifications and so on you'll have a goldmine on your hand, you could even sell a different construct2 licence (constructMobile) to overcome the technical difficulties that I read in another thread..

    If you'll be able to pull this off you'll really get you an edge on the competion.

  • Thank you, really thank you, I finally understand, you should make a tutorial with this information, otherwise will be lost in time (like tears in the rain <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> )

  • Good to know!

  • It's still a mystery to me.

    I'm trying to make an object increase it's size from 0 to 600 in an x amount of time.

    System create object at (center of the screen)

    set object size 0,0

    set object size lerp(object.width,600,0.1*dt)

    The object doesn't even show, if I put 0.5 it goes from 0 to 300 in a fraction of a second and stops..

    Why? I don't understand this at all..

  • I read all the web fonts tutorial, but I have a problem.

    If I set the web font on the Layout Start, but I need to spawn several text object during certain events. It looks like I have to set the text font each time.. is there any way to avoid doing this?

    In case it's not possible, spawning 5 text object, setting them to web fonts and setting the font size every 2 seconds, how much of an impact it has on performance as opposed to "normal" fonts?

  • Wow, never thought about it! Thanks, really much appreciated

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  • It also spawn at the center of the stage (clarification to give the thread another chance.. :-P)

  • It's a bit inconvenient?

    I have to copy and paste actions two times this way or I could create a group to activate/deactivate..

    Any plans in the future of making an OR condition available?

  • I want do spawn an object in these positions:

    y = 0; x = WindowWidth/0 (Middle Top)

    y = WindowHeight/2; x = 0 (Middle Left)

    y = WindowHeight/2; x = WindowWidth (Middle Bottom)

    y = WindowHeight; x = WindowWidth/0 (Middle Right)

    Now I'm doing this:

    Set Position at x = choose(WindowWidth/2,choose(0,WindowWidth)); y = choose(choose(0,WindowHeight),WindowHeight/2)

    The problem is that this arrangment includes also 0,0 and WindowHeight,WindowWidth (Top Left and Bottom Right corners).

    How can I achieve what I want? Does an IF condition exists somewhere for actions?