My name is Jason and I have forum questions

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  • 3 posts
  • Please do not worry my intentions are not to spam at all especially since I plan on talking about Construct and black coffee (super yummy by the way!!).

    Question #1: What links are okay to be posted?

    Question #2: What links are not okay to be posted?

    Question #3: What links are okay in signature?

    Question #4: What links are not okay in signature?

    Yes just in case anyone asks I am a super mega hard core fan of not sweetened at all black coffee. That drink is massively delicious I love it alot.

  • Your intention was not to spam and this mission failed

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  • Please refer to the Forum & Community guidelines. We don't have forum signatures. Everything posted should be at least vaguely connected to game development. I suppose you could post a thread like "what coffee best helps you to do game development", but that would likely involve mentioning brands or otherwise promoting commercial entities which may be construed as spam, and that type of thread tends to be a spam magnet as well as all the bots pile in to post their own links, so I don't think that would be appropriate to discuss on our site. Anything else actually meaningfully related to game development is OK though.

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