Ropey Ninja — Now for sale in the Scirra Store!
<p>Using the platform behavior you can swing easily from certain objects just like Tarzan. </p><p>You can find a demo at:</p><p></p>
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Not found the cap of Ropey Ninja!
Not sure what to tell you as a sale hasn't registered on my end yet.
What was found, if anything?
Will have to get Tom, or email Scirra. ... 27907?mt=8
Hmm seems familiar.
Does it work with mobile controls?
It doesn't come with touch controls, but in the previous post the developer worked it out with a one touch scheme.
I just did a quick test and all you have to do is add touch.
Then change the "on up arrow start" to "on any touch start", and "on up arrow released" to "on any touch end".
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Yeah, I think theres a lot of neat things you can do with it.