Universal Burger Game Assets — Now for sale in the Scirra Store!
<p>Universal HQ burger assets for any food game - sky burger, burger restaurant, time management game. </p><p>26 game items: </p><p>* 23 burger items of which 21 ingriedient: </p>
- Beef, Pineapple, Cucumber, Mushrooms, Salad, Paprika, Cheese, Tomato, Meat, Ketchup, Onions, Saliami, Avocados, Fried Onions, Mustard, Rucola, Fried Chicken, Green and Black Olives, Eggs, Salmon. + 2 new - Radishes, Middle Bun.
<p>* Cola, Cupcake and French Fries </p><p>Support contact: mobileassetsbrushssv@gmail.com </p><p>Thank you for choosing our Assets!</p>
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