"Free Gift" Reward System (Game Templates)

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Give your players time based rewards, checks how long player has been away to display time remaining to reward.
  • "Free Gift" Reward System — Now for sale in the Scirra Store!


    <p>Just like in Crossy Road, you can have your very own "Free Gift" system.</p><p>Records the time the user has been away even when they aren't playing or their device is off!</p><p>Use it to reward players and keep them coming back!</p><p>This is known to increase retention and re-engagement if used right, especially when combined with push notifications.</p><h3>Features</h3><div class="deshr"></div>

    • Extremely simple to get started. Just copy and include the event sheet provided.
    • Time between each gift increases up to a maximum of 6 hours (this can be edited).
    • Can help boost retention!

    <p>Uses the rex TimeAwayL plugin! (Link is included)</p><p>Please email/comment should you have any further questions.</p>

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  • I found a bug in your script.

    It is to circumvent this system by changing the time of the cell.

    How do you fix this bug?

  • Someone to and to solve the problem?

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  • The only way to truly fix that is to use a cordova plugin (Java and Objective C) that calculates the system uptime. I don't have enough knowledge of cordova to be able to do that.

  • hi i try put new code to display timer : floor((gift_time_remaining) / 3600) & ":" & zeropad(int((gift_time_remaining)/60 % 60), 2)

    but text shows me always 0:00 ?

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