Cordova buttons (Plugins)

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  • 6 posts
From the Asset Store
A set of retro 16-Bit Neon UI elements to make your menus pop!
  • Cordova buttons — Now for sale in the Scirra Store!

    <p>This plugin hooks phone events:</p>

    • Back button pressed
    • Menu button pressed
    • Volume Up pressed
    • Volume Down pressed

    <p>Using cordova api.</p><p>Tested on and Intel XDK</p>

    Use this topic to leave comments, ask questions and talk about Cordova buttons

  • Good pluginn and fine work. i buy this plugin from russian forum Sir_G.

    it wery important for mobile platform. We can make confirmation for exit or other action in game - after press navigation buttons and etc )))

    Сережа. Всё супер.


  • Good pluginn and fine work. i buy this plugin from russian forum Sir_G.

    it wery important for mobile platform. We can make confirmation for exit or other action in game - after press navigation buttons and etc )))

    ??????. ??? ?????.


    Thank you!

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  • I purchased this after reading your FAQ & Comments.

    To use the plugin, I insert the "CordovaButtons" object to the layout and add a "CordovaButtons - On Back button" event to the event sheet with an action.

    Then I export the project as HTML5 & test the output with the Android device.

    As soon as I press device's back button, the browser's page goes back without any action.

    Tell me what should I do to solve the problem.

  • I purchased this after reading your FAQ & Comments.

    To use the plugin, I insert the "CordovaButtons" object to the layout and add a "CordovaButtons - On Back button" event to the event sheet with an action.

    Then I export the project as HTML5 & test the output with the Android device.

    As soon as I press device's back button, the browser's page goes back without any action.

    Tell me what should I do to solve the problem.


    Hello. Are you using Browser plugin in your project?Can you send example at support email?

  • I buy this plugin. All is well so far... But how I can tell Android, that i will exit the game by pressing the back button on my MainLayout? Thx

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