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From the Asset Store
A 48×48 pixel art gamekit to use instantly in plateformers, shooters or runners
  • 48X48 GAMEBOY BRAWLER GAME PACK — Now for sale in the Scirra Store!


    <p>An urban action gameboy Gamepack featuring sprites destined for action games, a Hero character and two foes with their full set of needed animations to build up an action game and a full ingame tileset, </p><p>The file contains: A PSD and a PNG spritesheet featuring: </p><p>48�48 hero with this animations:</p><p>========================== </p>

    • Walkcycle (6 frames)
    • Standing animation (3 frames)
    • Punching and kicking animation (6 frames)
    • Jumping animation (3 frames)
    • Air kicking animation (1 frame )

    <p>48x48 foe with this animations: </p><p>========================</p>

    • Standing animation ( 4 frames )
    • Walking animation ( 4 frames )
    • Punching animation (3 frames )
    • Getting hurt animation ( 2 frames )

    <p>48x48 foe 2 with this animations:</p><p>========================</p>

    • Standing animation ( 4 frames )
    • Walking animation ( 4 frames )
    • Kicking animation (3 frames )
    • Getting hurt animation ( 2 frames )

    <p>A 32x32 full ingame tileset</p><p>====================== </p><p>Hope you will like it</p>

    Use this topic to leave comments, ask questions and talk about 48X48 GAMEBOY BRAWLER GAME PACK

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