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If you get what i mean
If you are commenting about the spam bots, yes, we know what you mean.
Please don't make our job harder than it is already by adding more threads that look like spam. I almost nuked you without really looking.
Obvious you did not get it :/
Nope :/
I guess I'm not up to date with the latest pop-culture references or something.
I never got it either, and to be honest, I would class it as a spam post anyway as it serves no purpose whatsoever.
Maybe it's an algebra joke? xD
No guys no..
I am expecting news about Construct 3, it's kind of self expression, kind of small joke!
No updates for a while as i catch.
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
People should stop multiplying threads and actually read existing threads like this one.