The Official Introduce Yourself Thread

  • Hi, I'm here to start my game creating experience... Hope it'll work.

  • Just another person trying their hand at game making

  • Hi, everyone! Found Scirra/Construct on a "top ten" list. I'm a writer, not a programmer, so I needed something that was all GUI and easy to figure out. Just uploaded my first submission today--more of a concept demo than a real game yet.

  • Hi. I never thought I could create games without programming knowledge. I first tried to learn programming which was tough trying to learn a little bit during free time. Then one day in frustration i google-searched if i can create games without any programming knowledge being pretty sure that it will not give any result and i found out that yes it is possible! There were i think 5 different tools i found out of which Construct 2 was one. I then researched a lot to pick the best one for me and here I am.

    I have always been a gamer and I always wanted to create my own games. Some years ago I started blogging and vlogging and I have been trying to grow regularly while life presents many obstacles to overcome.

    As I started learning and created games with Construct 2 I also then created my gaming portal at DolyGames. I hope to be able to grow and create income to be able to bring a lot of laughter and joy to people while also being free to work in games.



  • Hi, I'm Kate) Games have been my passion since childhood. I always wanted to make my own games and of course play them myself =) My job is far from that, however I use programming daily. I don't remember how I found Construct 2 but it was exactly what I needed. I bought the license about 6 months ago but didn't have enough time to go deep into it. Now finally I can do it, I've got lots of ideas but I feel a little scared to make first steps and newbie mistakes. I hope I will handle this after my first forum post

  • Hi, I'm Karan Verma from Jalandhar, Punjab, India.

  • Hi all,

    My name is Nikita. I'm music composer and I want to offer my exclusive royalty-free music tracks for adventure games.

    I write not only adventure but cinematic/romantic style music which is also great to use in games (background, credits, titles etc.)

    Here is a link to some of my adventure/epic tracks:

    "Epic Adventure" -

    "Epic Cinematic Orchestra" - ... a/19605620

    And my portfolio:

    Contact me if you like it, so we can co-operate! Thank you!

  • G'day G'day, I'm Patrick & I heard about Construct 2 through a game creation video on Giant Bomb.

    I've got a background in education as well as being part of a team that created educational software.

    Apparently I'm having some sort of mid life crisis (?) as I've sold my business & decided it's time for some new adventures. Learning to use this software is akin to basket weaving for me as I take some long over due leave & ponder my next steps.

    My first project is to try & build a ski jump game...

  • hello i am new to this how are we all

  • Try Construct 3

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  • This is me introducing myself.

  • hiyo. gimme points

  • hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii... my names johnny

  • Howdy Everyone!

    Nice to meet you all. Name's Charlton from Poland and making games at MGP studios-already made/released 2 games Sinless(niche cyberpunk vibed visual novel/cypunk mix, love letter to games like "Rise of the Dragon"etc) and Roll'd (mainstream arcade casual endless runner). First released self published on mobiles, then rereleased via publisher (Forever Entertainment) for Steam and mobiles. Previous projects were made in Cocos2dx (except Roll'd for Steam which was ported to Unity). Due to gamedev being the rough business it is and despite pretty good sales, the games didn't turn in a profit so I was forced to start the new project -Sand is the Soul- solo(couldn't afford working with my programmers:(). And that is when I found Construct2 and I fell in love almost instantly! Of course minus the standard feeling of being overwhelmed when being introduced to any new interface

    Been frequenting the forums for the last year or so ever since I got a hold of Construct2. Loving the community, very helpful- I learned a lot through the excellent tutorials and active community. You guys rock! So I thought it is night time I created an account- maybe I'll be able to share some knowledge of my own. Wish I had done this sooner, but I was seriously overburdened by work over the last year (still am:() most of the time crunching 7 times a week.

    Anyways, looking forward and hope to be an active member of the community-as much as time and focus will allow- and hope to share some info on Sand is the Soul soon!

  • Я узнал о Construct Classic и Construct 2 от друга, который занимается разработкой игр на этом движке.

  • I'm from Michigan and I heard about this great website from another website.

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