The Official Introduce Yourself Thread

  • Hello i am here to start making games and gain enough experience to make a game similar to "vector city racers" that closed down. I am going to make it for the fans of vector city racers that were devastated when it closed in 2011.

  • Hi, I'm fairly new to game design and would love to continue to be able to create games. I love the ease of use that is provided through construct 2 and think that it's an amazing tool. Thanks.


  • Hi, I am Wen, I am a student from China. I heard Construct 2 from a website "zhihu" which is very similar with quora. I hope I can create cool game through Construct 2, Thank you for your work!

  • hi all, new user here! hope to have the best experience with construct2

  • Hi i am an aspiring game developer and will create great games in time to come

  • Uhh...I'm a 14 year old trying to make a really good rouge-like. That's it I guess

  • Hello, I'm a 20 year old amateur game dev from England and I am interested in creating a special indie game with an immersive story.

  • Hey guys,

    due to my studies, our professor told us to use Construct 2. So... here I am!

    24 from Germany, Stuttgart.

  • Hello there, Im new to all of this but if I can help out I will try to.

    Not much to say other than I am studying to become a Games Designer and would like to build a team and start making amazing and fun games. I am also a massive supercar fanatic and am on Istagram username- supercars_ni

  • Just what I need Another way to spend my time Seriously, this looks like potentially a lot of fun. I saw a new product over on CodeCanyon on Enato markets that utilizes this framework and decided to take a look. I am heavily into content creation tools (Photoshop, Illustrator, and DAZ 3D, and build/maintain websites, so this will fit in nicely.

  • Greetings all, my name is Elliot. I've been interested in making games since I was a child playing with army men in the backyard giving them stats like defense, attack, and movement. I consider myself a serious hobbyist in the game making arena. I wouldn't mind making a few extra dollars for something i'm already doing for fun and free. I decided to join the forums after listening to the C2 Podcast, and entering my first game jam (Coin Op). Well its great to be here thanks

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Hey everyone im Kim me and my friend are new and were talking about making a game think it would be hard so i'm gonna give it a try!!

  • Hello, gamerparent here. I've been inspired by how much my own kids are learning about coding, and wanted to check out some of the tools available for making games, particularly for the Nintendo Wii U. How cool would that be?

    I found Construct through an article about another engine, ironically.

  • I'm Jean Tozzi. You can call me Tozzi. ^^

  • Oi meu nome é Guilherme tenho 9 anos fiquei sabendo do app através da net.

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