The Official Introduce Yourself Thread

  • hello, I am a iOS developer, new for Construct2

  • Hello! I am a student and a programmer.

  • HI I am from a small island in the Caribbean called St.Lucia. I was searching the web for a simple way to create games and i came across this site and decided to give it a try. Hope to learn a lot and have fun at game building and hopefully build a game.

  • I was just surfing net when i found out about construct 2 . I did some research and thought of giving it a try...and here

    I am. I am a student and a programmer.

  • New To Game Development

    Title says it best! I am new to the game app development world. I am starting to explore the ins and outs of development. Hopefully, I will have a game on the android and ios stores.

  • I am new to the game app development world

  • Hi,

    my Name is Ardian - I am an application developer.

    I first published "IronDroid vs Robots" for Android using Libgdx, but looked for something special and more easy to use.

    So I came across Construct 2 and fell in love with it...^^

    I decided to completley rewrite "IronDroid vs Robots" using Construct 2 and published it via IntelXdk to the PlayStore (replacing my old apk) and as a open webapp to the firefox marketplace

  • Hello everyone ever, this is me introducing myself. Not in the Rolling Stones way, because I prefer that you not know my name

  • Hi guys,

    I'm Mat Nicholas at The Wyrm Game Studio (aka stay-at-home dad / independent game developer)

    Last year my amazing wife and I decided to start our little family. Exciting yes, but it called for some major changes to the way we lived our life. I have worked in the game industry for seven years and I’ve never really been out of work for long, but unfortunately it isn’t the most stable industry, particularly in recent years. When you have a family to support it is suddenly a huge worry. So we made the decision that I would be a stay-at-home dad, try to do what I have always wanted to do and start my own studio, while my wife went back to her more reliable job.

    In February, after a very long labour, we welcomed Zeke to the world. In August my wife officially went back to work and I started my new job(s) as house husband/stay at home father/game developer. Juggling them all has been a challenge but so far I am happy with progress and it’s great to spend so much time with my son. I wanted a very simple but fun first game so that I could prepare the development pipeline (iOS, Android, Windows phone, Blackberry and more to come), One evening when bathing my boy, he was splashing around laughing and loving the bubbles. Watching him, I came up with the idea of Bubble Bopper.

    Give it a try. Basically you just have to pop all the bubbles (by touching them) before they reach the top. The higher the level the faster they move so it can get very frantic. Don’t worry though. I’ve thrown in a bunch of power ups to help you out along the way and a few of Zeke’s giggles to cheer you on. Bubble Bopper is just the tip of the iceberg. Now I will start making all the games I have been thinking up all these years.

    If you want to help a dad out please do the following:

    1. Give the game a five star rating =>

    2. Like ‘The Wyrm Game Studio’ page so you’re kept informed my progress =>

    3. Share the page anywhere you think interested people linger.

    Share to keep the dream going!

  • Hello. im a small time game maker. i have taken game design freshmen year ( now senior ) and was a student aid for it before i even finished the course . I have made games on game maker and unity. so going to new programs is frustrating, And that unitys only 30 day trial and games maker has some restrictions that i didn't have in my class because the game was bought. i heard of this being much better so i want to give it a try. i've been making designs with words and values that would make peoples head spin ever since i was i wana say 7. have not met a game that could do them without all this extra work but its fine i find unusual ways and new ideas to get what i what done only takes 40 extra steps but gets someone new out there then im tempted to show the games over my new small youtube channel friendship grenades But idk what rights i have so ill look up that. hopefully ill be able to use this program to meet my values and ideas. btw i suck a@@ at just words in general so when the grammer nasi come for me ...

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  • Hi guys

    My name is Bob, im from Vietnam. Just started using CS2 and already hook on it.

  • Welcome to all the newcomers of the week!

    As you're all new arrivals, please take a look at the How Do I - Frequently asked questions and Tips for posting in the "How do I?" forum before asking for game creation assistance.

    Additionally, there are many tutorials you can start learning withhosted here on Scirra's website.

    Again, welcome to the community, and happy developing!

  • Hi All,

    My name is Tabrez, i am from India. I work as QA for mobile app testing company. I love making games and i found that construct 2 is very user friendly.

    Basically m mmorpg addicted gamer but i want to dedicate my full time to construct 2 to make my dream games.

    any one can contact me for providing me any suggestion, collaboration, friendship, patnership, m always here. we will work together.


  • ABD

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