The Official Introduce Yourself Thread

  • Hellow! I'm Paul and I like to make games, apps, etc... Construct is great! :3

    Edit: Wow sweet! I have my own little page.

    Edit2: This is now "KittyLand" Dont ask me why. XD

  • NICE

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • e tenho um grupo de testers testadoresDJT

  • Hi people, My name is Gary

  • Hi everyone! I'm Mardoch. I just release my game a few weeks ago ().

    Now I'm trying to do a game on my own with Construct 2. It's a really cool software and it change my life because I'm not a dev (I'm a graphic designer ).

    Hope to see a lot of game here!!!

  • Hi there! I just got to the SCIRRA website and i'm very exited wanting to use Construct 2! I'm actually studying Game Design and we use Unity 3D at the university... so I thought that i show try something different.

    That's a little about me so... Hi! =D

  • Hi, Name is Nahuel, Im a big fan of challenges and difficult games. Starting a MegaMan game on Construct and liked the software so far.


  • Hi, Gisle, I just read reviewes of Construct 2 and wanted to take a look.

    Looks great!

  • Hi, my name is Arvid and i just buy this personal license,

    i'm from Indonesia (SE Asia). Nice to meet you guys in this forum..

    Btw, i've been developing a game named Hungry Flapping bird and i posted in on the Arcade, please take a look if you like!

    See you guys on the other side!

  • Hola a todos,

    somos nuevos y emprendedores. Tenemos ganas de hacer buenos juegos y confiamos en esta herramienta.

    Un abrazo a todos

  • Hi everybody,

    I'm Johnny, but not speak english, but i'm try.

    Soon i intend develop some games here.

    Bye guys.

  • Hello Everyone!!!!

    I´m new to create a game but i will try as much as i can !!!! ^_^

  • Hi!

    I'm been around for many time and even published a tutorial, but never introduced myself. So, after reading the "forum upgrade" newsletter, I decided to be a polite man and introduce myself.

    I'm a Spanish teacher of literature, but computers were, and are, my secret vice for years. I'd like to make a educational game literature but, at this time, my only educational games are the tiny and ugly "Caballo" and a simple game about African rivers and mountains.

    I also have a small handicap: I'm color-blind and have difficulties to see the difference between green and red wavelenghts (you could consider this an advantage in case you believe the insurance company mith about red making people aggresive). That's the reason why I made a couple quick-and-dirty filters (chroma filter and plane replace filter) you can see in the filters forum.

    The third thing about me: I try to balance my computer "vice" by avoiding latest technology. So, though I program for Android, I dont have an Android phone. But soon I will be forced to improve my gadgets, since my old-fashioned no-camera, no-apps, not-even-java phone has died this week.

    Well, If you reached this point, you'll also know I am not very skilled in English, but I can write thousands of words no matter how simple the message is.

    Have a nice day!

  • Love this site

  • Hello people!

    Already passed 7 months which I saw for the first time C2 and this was the only engine that actually provided to develop a game from scratch with only logic.

    I would also like to thank the whole team for the excellent work Scirra and constant updates on the engine.

    See you there...


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