The Official Introduce Yourself Thread

  • Hi--- Is this thing on?

    Hello everyone.

    It's nice to join such a positive and creative community.

  • Hey all, great to join such a thriving creative community. I'm Looking forward to making some fun games!

  • Hello, im from Argentina, i have 29 years old and my dream is to create games and earn money with that.

    Nice to meet you all and hope to learn a lot !

  • Hello everyone. I'm a very poor beginner in game making, and this is my first 2D game engine. My goal is creating game (most likely for mobile phones) that can integrate smoothly to social media.

    And for Construct 2 creator, big thanks for you! May God bless you and your families

  • Ciao ragazzi! Sono un ragazzo italiano e mi sono appena avvicinato al mondo della programmazione. Considero construct 2 un ottimo programma per avvicinarsi alla produzione di videgiochi!

  • Hello everyone.

    I tested Construct 2 by last two months and several days ago I've became happy license owner.

    Construct 2 is awesome piece of software with great community and I hope this software will help us develop great games



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  • Please tell me,

    How to make a tilemap game ?


  • VinsensiusNiko - this is the introduction thread, which isn't the place for such questions. Instead, start a thread asking your question in either the how do I or beginner's questions forums.

  • VinsensiusNiko - this is the introduction thread, which isn't the place for such questions. Instead, start a thread asking your question in either the how do I or beginner's questions forums.

    Arima: OK. thanks your information

  • Bonjour! This is my first time creating any sort of game, much less using a legit engine to design one. I was inspired while doing research on the coding language required to create a mobile trivia app for iOS/Android. I was recently laid off work at a magazine I wrote for, so I figured now's as best time as any to learn something new and put my creativity to use.

    I happened upon a HuffPost article on video game creation. The author had designed a retro/arcade game in just two weeks and had shared the game. I played a few levels and was super impressed. He'd listed Construct 2 as his design platform, and so I looked into it a bit further, and absolutely fell in love.

    As a 22-yr old individual game maker, I DL'd the free version to start myself off, but will purchase a license in the very near future when I start actually developing the game. I have limited experience with GIMP, so I'll be using that as my art/UI software creation tool.

    I'm blown away by the quality of games that have been created using nothing but Construct 2, with little to no coding required. That's what piqued my interest at first, as I have only a rudimentary understanding of Javascript and C++, but nothing I would bet my life on.

    I want to thank the Construct 2 devs for their amazing work, and I CAN'T WAIT to create my game and put it on the market! I look forward to interacting with the community here and learning more about the behind-the-scenes of indie game development

  • Hello

  • Hi,

    Android dev looking into new technologies.

    I've been using Construct 2 for a few months now. I bought it on Steam (so no gold badge for me ) and have been using it for just basic things. I've done a few tutorials etc.

    I'm actually really curious about its non-game abilities. It might be overkill, but still, I'm sure you could create a normal, cross platform, app if you wanted.

    Anyway, looking forward to seeing what I can do with Construct 2 in the future.

  • Hello there. About time I surfaced. I'm currently using Construct 2 to re-program my 90's game Slightly Magic (popular in the UK) for as many platforms as possible. The game's looking good, and I think I might complete the Slightly trilogy on Construct.

  • colin Jones

    Just looked it up at Amiga Hall of Light. Looks fun.

  • Thanks! I'm using the original Spectrum 8bit graphics, so it'll be a little more retro.

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