Newbie question! My animations doesn't work correctly

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  • Hello guys!

    I would like to fix a little bug in my animations.

    I'm working on a platform project and experiencing some issues with my character's animations.

    The second issue is the "run" animation. It has four frames, but when I press the key to run, the animation only cycles through two of the frames. The speed is incorrect, and it looks very strange.

    I've checked the anchor point and tried to resend the animation to the software, but the problems persist. I'm not sure what else I need to check.

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  • Hi, where is the event to play the run animation ?

  • I thought the "set animation" action would automatically start the animation. Do I need to perform another action to initiate it?

  • Oh I understood your question! I didn't noticed that the name of the animation was switched before. I was doing some tests and changed to the name "Jump2". But I'm still having this problem.

  • These events run on every tick. Meaning that as long as the event condition is true, the animation will start from the beginning and never get beyond the first frame.

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