Hi all,
About 80% of the time I run my program, which worked fine in r139, I get a "Javascript error! Uncaught InvalidStateError:" 20% of the time, this error is not reproduced, and the app runs with full functionality.
The error then states that I should submit a report in the "bugs" section, but I cannot submit my .capx, as it is not yet copyrighted and I do not have the authority to release it yet.
The message also states that the error occurs on line 1262, but I have no idea how to determine which line of code is 1262, or why the error is popping up.
Any help would be much appreciated! Below is the message:
<img src="http://s12.postimg.org/t0clp9rod/Construct_2_error.png" border="0" />
<img src="http://s18.postimg.org/9muxikpd1/debugger.png" border="0" />
I apologize in advance if this has been reproduced in the forums already, I did a search and did not find anything.