"Now you have a smartphone will you start to care about C2 mobile dev? "
I was always interested in mobile through the browser itself actually, and this phone (when fixed) would be a tolerable device (samsung galaxy s4, much better than my previous device which could not handle anything at the V-sync, even the home screen could lag *sigh*), as I only target the "export once runs everywhere" phylosophy, however I think one of my new years resolution will be to get more tolerant towards all that happens in the wrapper world, I am taking that far too much personnally.
I might try, however, some of the functionnalities they bring (not ads, but some of the cordova based plugins are actually pretty handy, if I can manage to pull a nice exemple or two of enhanced functionnalities for wrapper based export, while still working inside the browser itself, that could help people out far more than complaining like I do), we shall see how that goes, but I am going off topic here.