Game based on web series

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  • First off, I want to sing the praises of Construct 2, its developers and especially Ashley's tutorial for beginners. I don't think I've ever found a better tutorial for any product anywhere; both logical and thorough. It and the software allowed a complete noob like me to actually make a game! Which leads me to why I made a game. I've created a geek-oriented animated web series (quirky, off-kilter and hopefully funny) consisting of (eventually) 22 micro-short episodes. One of the story arcs (episodes 14-17) has the characters trapped in a game played by some Misty Never-Beings. I like to give little bonuses to my viewers and I thought an actual game inspired by events in that arc would be a good bonus! Enter "Re-Gruntle!" . It's an extremely simple game because it's the first one I've ever made! So, many thanks to the Construct team for making it possible.

    If you want to check out the series ("22 Bones: the Adventures of Yorick, a Skull") you can visit the blog here: There are links to the Vimeo and YT channels as well as a lot of other stuff.

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