Free Music / SFX Resource - Over 2000 Tracks

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  • Hi Everyone,

    This week's brand new free music track is on my Sci-Fi 13 page:

    "CYBER NOIR" – (Looping and Non-Looping)

    If you can, please consider making a small donation on my website to help support my efforts. My site has always been 100% ad-free (I pay for everything myself) and contributions from the community really help me a lot.

    To donate, you can:

    *Purchase one of my Ogg music packs. These packs contain all of my tracks to date in various genres:

    *Donate through PayPal (or a credit card) using the Donate button.

    Thanks in advance for your support and encouragement!

  • Thank you. We like your work.

    Please, could you add to your website a section called "new music tracks" or "new additions" or something similar?

    That way we could easily be aware of your new creations.

    Kind regards.

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  • Thank you. We like your work.

    Please, could you add to your website a section called "new music tracks" or "new additions" or something similar?

    That way we could easily be aware of your new creations.

    Kind regards.

    Thanks for your suggestion. Generally, new tracks appear at the top of the last page for any given genre...unless it's, say, a LoFi version of an existing track. Regardless, I announce new tracks via updates on the various forums.

    Speaking of which...

    This week's new music track is on my Sci-Fi 13 page:


    I think the LoFi version sounds really cool.

    Anyhow, it's 100% free to download and use with attribution, just like my thousands of other music tracks.

    Enjoy and keep being creative! :-)

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